CGAL::Kinetic::Cartesian_instantaneous_kernel<ActiveObjectsTable, StaticKernel>


This class provides a model of the Kinetic::InstantaneousKernel for use with general Cartesian Geometry. It provides all the predicates needed for Delaunay triangulations and regular triangulations.

For technical reasons, the user must pick out one particular type of primitive to use when instantiating a model. For example, if the user passes a model of Kinetic::Active_objects_vector<Data, Object> with a Kinetic::Kernel::Point_2 as the kinetic primitive, then the type Point_2 will be properly defined and the predicates on it will work properly, but the other predicates will not work.

#include <CGAL/Kinetic/Cartesian_instantaneous_kernel.h>

Is Model for the Concepts
