

The concept SegmentDelaunayGraphStorageSite_2 provides the requirements for the storage sites of a segment Delaunay graph. The storage sites are sites that are used to store the information of a site in a more compact form (that uses less storage). This is achieved by storing handles to points instead of points.




The site type.

typedef typename std::set<typename Site_2::Point_2>::iterator
Point_handle; The type for a handle to a point.


In addition to the default and copy constructors, the following static methods should be available for constructing sites:

ss.construct_storage_site_2 ( Point_handle hp)
Constructs a storage site from a point handle. The storage site represents the point associated with the point handle hp.
ss.construct_storage_site_2 ( Point_handle hp1,
Point_handle hp2)
Constructs a storage site from two point handles. The storage site represents the segment the endpoints of which are the points associated with the point handles hp1 and hp2.
ss.construct_storage_site_2 ( Point_handle hp1,
Point_handle hp2,
Point_handle hq1,
Point_handle hq2)
Constructs a storage site from four point handles. The storage site represents the point of intersection of the segments the endpoints of which are the points associated with the point handles hp1, hp2 and hq1 and hq2, respectively.
ss.construct_storage_site_2 ( Point_handle hp1,
Point_handle hp2,
Point_handle hq1,
Point_handle hq2,
bool b)
Constructs a site from four point handles and a boolean. The storage site represents a segment. If b is true, the first endpoint of the segment is the point associated with the handle hp1 and the second endpoint is the point of intersection of the segments the endpoints of which are the point associated with the point handles hp1, hp2 and hq1, hq2, respectively. If b is false, the first endpoint of the represented segment is the one mentioned above, whereas the second endpoint if the point associated with the point handle hp2.
ss.construct_storage_site_2 ( Point_handle hp1,
Point_handle hp2,
Point_handle hq1,
Point_handle hq2,
Point_handle hr1,
Point_handle hr2)
Constructs a storage site from six point handles. The storage site represents of segment the endpoints of which are points of intersection of two pairs of segments, the endpoints of which are hp1, hp2/hq1, hq2 and hp1, hp2/hr1, hr2, respectively.


bool ss.is_defined () Returns true if the storage site represents a valid point or segment.
bool ss.is_point () Returns true if the storage site represents a point.
bool ss.is_segment () Returns true if the storage site represents a segment.
bool ss.is_input () Returns true if the storage site represents an input point or a segment defined by two input points. Returns false if it represents a point of intersection of two segments, or if it represents a segment, at least one endpoint of which is a point of intersection of two segments.
bool ss.is_input ( unsigned int i)
Returns true if the i-th endpoint of the corresponding site is an input point. Returns false if the i-th endpoint of the corresponding site is the intersection of two segments.
Precondition: i must be at most 1, and ss.is_segment() must be true.

Access Functions

ss.supporting_site ()
Returns a storage site object representing the segment that supports the segment represented by the storage site. The returned storage site represents a site, both endpoints of which are input points.
Precondition: ss.is_segment() must be true.
ss.source_site () Returns a storage site that represents the first endpoint of the represented segment.
Precondition: ss.is_segment() must be true.
ss.target_site () Returns a storage site that represents the second endpoint of the represented segment.
Precondition: ss.is_segment() must be true.
ss.supporting_site ( unsigned int i)
Returns a storage site object representing the i-th segment that supports the point of intersection represented by the storage site. The returned storage site represents a site, both endpoints of which are input points.
Precondition: i must be at most 1, ss.is_point() must be true and ss.is_input() must be false.
ss.crossing_site ( unsigned int i)
Returns a storage site object representing the i-th segment that supports the i-th endpoint of the site which is not the supporting segment of the site. The returned storage site represents a site, both endpoints of which are input points.
Precondition: i must be at most 1, ss.is_segment() must be true and ss.is_input(i) must be false.
Site_2 () Returns the site represented by the storage site.
Point_handle ss.point () Returns a handle associated with the represented point.
Precondition: is_point() and is_input() must both be true.
Point_handle ss.source_of_supporting_site ()
Returns a handle to the source point of the supporting site of the this site.
Precondition: is_segment() must be true.
Point_handle ss.target_of_supporting_site ()
Returns a handle to the target point of the supporting site of the this site.
Precondition: is_segment() must be true.
Point_handle ss.source_of_supporting_site ( unsigned int i)
Returns a handle to the source point of the i-th supporting site of the this site.
Precondition: is_point() must be true, is_input() must be false and i must either be 0 or 1.
Point_handle ss.target_of_supporting_site ( unsigned int i)
Returns a handle to the target point of the i-th supporting site of the this site.
Precondition: is_point() must be true, is_input() must be false and i must either be 0 or 1.
Point_handle ss.source_of_crossing_site ( unsigned int i)
Returns a handle to the source point of the i-th crossing site of the this site.
Precondition: is_segment() must be true, is_input(i) must be false and i must either be 0 or 1.
Point_handle ss.target_of_crossing_site ( unsigned int i)
Returns a handle to the target point of the i-th supporting site of the this site.
Precondition: is_segment() must be true, is_input(i) must be false and i must either be 0 or 1.

Has Models


See Also
