


Has Models


Comparison_result fo ( ArrTraits::Point_2 p , ArrTraits::X_monotone_curve_2 xc , Curve_end ce )
returns SMALLER, EQUAL, or LARGER according to the x-ordering of a vertical line passing through the point p and an unbounded end of the curve xc. The relevant end is the minimal end, if ce is MIN_END and the maximal end if ce is MAX_END.
Precondition: the curve end has a bounded x-coordinate and an unbounded y-coordinate. Namely xc is vertical or has a vertical asymptote.
fo ( ArrTraits::X_monotone_curve_2 xc1 ,
Curve_end ce1 ,
ArrTraits::X_monotone_curve_2 xc2 ,
Curve_end ce2 )
returns SMALLER, EQUAL, or LARGER according to the x-ordering of the unbounded curve ends of xc1 and xc2.
Precondition: the curve ends have a bounded x-coordinate and an unbounded y-coordinate. Namely each of xc1 and xc2 is vertical or has a vertical asymptote.