
A model fo of this type must provide:

CircularKernel::Circular_arc_2 fo ( CircularKernel::Circle_2 c ) Constructs an arc from a full circle.

fo ( CircularKernel::Circle_2 c ,
CircularKernel::Circular_arc_point_2 p1 ,
CircularKernel::Circular_arc_point_2 p2 )
Construct the circular arc supported by c, that is oriented counterclockwise, whose source is p1 and whose target is p2.
Precondition: p1 and p2 lie on c.

fo ( CircularKernel::Circle_2 c ,
CircularKernel::Circle_2 c1 ,
bool b1 ,
CircularKernel::Circle_2 c2 ,
bool b2 )
Constructs the unique circular arc that is oriented counterclockwise, whose supporting circle is c, and whose source endpoint is the intersection of c and c1 with index b1, and whose target is the intersection of c and c2 of index b2, where intersections are ordered lexicographically.
Precondition: c intersects both c1 and c2, and the arc defined by the intersections has non-zero length.

fo ( CircularKernel::Circle_2 c ,
CircularKernel::Line_2 l1 ,
bool b1 ,
CircularKernel::Line_2 l2 ,
bool b2 )
Same, for intersections defined by lines instead of circles.