

An instance of data type Vector is a vector of variables of number type NT. Together with the type Matrix it realizes the basic operations of linear algebra.


the ring type of the components.

the iterator type for accessing components.

the const iterator type for accessing components.


Vector v;
creates an instance v of type Vector.

Vector v ( int d);
creates an instance v of type Vector. v is initialized to a vector of dimension d.

Vector v ( int d, NT x);
creates an instance v of type Vector. v is initialized to a vector of dimension d with entries x.

template <class Forward_iterator>
Vector v ( Forward_iterator first, Forward_iterator last);
creates an instance v of type Vector; v is initialized to the vector with entries set [first,last).
Requirement: Forward_iterator has value type NT.


int v.dimension () returns the dimension of v.

bool v.is_zero () returns true iff v is the zero vector.

NT& v [ int i ] returns the i-th component of v.
Precondition: 0 i v.dimension()-1.

iterator v.begin () iterator to the first component.

iterator v.end () iterator beyond the last component.

The same operations begin(), end() exist for const_iterator.

Vector v + v1 Addition.
v.dimension() == v1.dimension().

Vector v - v1 Subtraction.
v.dimension() = v1.dimension().

NT v * v1 Inner Product.
v.dimension() = v1.dimension().

Vector - v Negation.

Vector& v += v1 Addition plus assignment.
v.dimension() == v1.dimension().

Vector& v -= v1 Subtraction plus assignment.
v.dimension() == v1.dimension().

Vector& v *= NT s Scalar multiplication plus assignment.

Vector& v /= NT s Scalar division plus assignment.

Vector NT r * v Component-wise multiplication with number r.

Vector v * NT r Component-wise multiplication with number r.