CGAL 4.10.2 - 2D and Surface Function Interpolation
CGAL | |
Data_access | The struct Data_access implements a functor that allows to retrieve data from an associative container |
Interpolation_gradient_fitting_traits_2 | Interpolation_gradient_fitting_traits_2 is a model for the concepts InterpolationTraits and GradientFittingTraits |
Interpolation_traits_2 | Interpolation_traits_2 is a model for the concept InterpolationTraits and can be used to instantiate the geometric traits class of interpolation methods applied on a bivariate function over a two-dimensional domain |
Voronoi_intersection_2_traits_3 | Voronoi_intersection_2_traits_3 is a model for the concept RegularTriangulationTraits_2 and InterpolationTraits |
GradientFittingTraits | Sibson gradient fitting functions are parameterized by a traits class that defines the primitives used by the algorithm. The concept GradientFittingTraits defines this common set of requirements |
InterpolationTraits | Most interpolation functions are parameterized by a traits class that defines the primitives used in the interpolation algorithms. The concept InterpolationTraits defines this common set of requirements |