CGAL 4.6.2 - Point Set Processing
Hugues Hoppe, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, John McDonald, and Werner Stuetzle. Surface reconstruction from unorganized points. In Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH '90), volume 26, pages 71–77, 1992.
H. Huang, D. Li, H. Zhang, U. Ascher, and D. Cohen-Or. Consolidation of unorganized point clouds for surface reconstruction. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28:176:1–176:78, 2009.
H. Huang, S. Wu, M. Gong, D. Cohen-Or, U. Ascher, and H. Zhang. Edge-aware point set resampling. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 32:9:1–9:12, 2013.
Mark Phillips. Geomview Manual, Version 1.6.1 for Unix Workstations. The Geometry Center, University of Minnesota, 1996.