\( \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \) \( \newcommand{\A}{\mathrm{A}} \) \( \newcommand{\R}{\mathrm{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\N}{\mathrm{N}} \) \( \newcommand{\Q}{\mathrm{Q}} \) \( \newcommand{\Z}{\mathrm{Z}} \) \( \def\ccSum #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} } \def\ccProd #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} }\)
CGAL 4.6.2 - Surface Mesh
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CGAL::Surface_mesh< P > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >, including all inherited members.

add_edge()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
add_edge(Vertex_index v0, Vertex_index v1)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
add_face()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
add_face(const Range &vertices)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
add_face(Vertex_index v0, Vertex_index v1, Vertex_index v2)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
add_face(Vertex_index v0, Vertex_index v1, Vertex_index v2, Vertex_index v3)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
add_property_map(const std::string &name, const T t=T())CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
add_vertex()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
add_vertex(const Point &p)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
assign(const Surface_mesh &rhs)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
clear()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
collect_garbage()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
degree(Vertex_index v) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
degree(Face_index f) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
edge(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
Edge_range typedefCGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
edges() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
face(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
Face_range typedefCGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
faces() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
halfedge(Vertex_index v) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
halfedge(Face_index f) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
halfedge(Vertex_index source, Vertex_index target) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
halfedge(Edge_index e) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
halfedge(Edge_index e, unsigned int i) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
Halfedge_range typedefCGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
halfedges() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
has_garbage() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_border(Vertex_index v, bool check_all_incident_halfedges=true) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_border(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_border(Edge_index e) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_empty() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_isolated(Vertex_index v) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_removed(Vertex_index v) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_removed(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_removed(Edge_index e) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_removed(Face_index f) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_valid(bool verbose=true) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_valid(Vertex_index v) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_valid(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_valid(Edge_index e) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
is_valid(Face_index f) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
next(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
next_around_source(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
next_around_target(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
null_edge()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >static
null_face()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >static
null_halfedge()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >static
null_vertex()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >static
number_of_edges() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
number_of_faces() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
number_of_halfedges() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
number_of_removed_edges() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
number_of_removed_faces() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
number_of_removed_halfedges() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
number_of_removed_vertices() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
number_of_vertices() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Surface_mesh< P > &sm)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >related
operator=(const Surface_mesh &rhs)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
operator>>(std::istream &is, Surface_mesh< P > &sm)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >related
opposite(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
point(Vertex_index v) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
point(Vertex_index v)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
Point typedefCGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
points() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
prev(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
prev_around_source(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
prev_around_target(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
properties() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
property_map(const std::string &name) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
Property_map typedefCGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
remove_edge(Edge_index e)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
remove_face(Face_index f)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
remove_property_map(Property_map< I, T > &p)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
remove_vertex(Vertex_index v)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
reserve(size_type nvertices, size_type nedges, size_type nfaces)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
set_face(Halfedge_index h, Face_index f)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
set_halfedge(Vertex_index v, Halfedge_index h)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
set_halfedge(Face_index f, Halfedge_index h)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
set_next(Halfedge_index h, Halfedge_index nh)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
set_target(Halfedge_index h, Vertex_index v)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
set_vertex_halfedge_to_border_halfedge(Vertex_index v)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
set_vertex_halfedge_to_border_halfedge(Halfedge_index h)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
set_vertex_halfedge_to_border_halfedge()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
size_type typedefCGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
source(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
Surface_mesh()CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
Surface_mesh(const Surface_mesh &rhs)CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
target(Halfedge_index h) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
vertex(Edge_index e, unsigned int i) const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
Vertex_range typedefCGAL::Surface_mesh< P >
vertices() const CGAL::Surface_mesh< P >