CGAL 4.9.1 - STL Extensions for CGAL
This is the complete list of members for CGAL::Object, including all inherited members.
assign(T &c, const Object &o) | CGAL::Object | related |
empty() | CGAL::Object | |
is() | CGAL::Object | |
make_object(const T &t) | CGAL::Object | related |
Object() | CGAL::Object | |
Object(const Object &o) | CGAL::Object | |
Object(boost::variant< T...>) | CGAL::Object | |
Object(boost::optional< boost::variant< T...> >) | CGAL::Object | |
object_cast(const Object *o) | CGAL::Object | related |
object_cast(const Object &o) | CGAL::Object | related |
operator=(const Object &o) | CGAL::Object | |
type() const | CGAL::Object |