CGAL 4.9.1 - dD Spatial Searching
This is the complete list of members for CGAL::Distance_adapter< Key, PointPropertyMap, Base_distance >, including all inherited members.
Distance_adapter(const PointPropertyMap &ppmap=PointPropertyMap(), const Base_distance &base=Base_distance()) | CGAL::Distance_adapter< Key, PointPropertyMap, Base_distance > | |
FT typedef | CGAL::Distance_adapter< Key, PointPropertyMap, Base_distance > | |
Point_d typedef | CGAL::Distance_adapter< Key, PointPropertyMap, Base_distance > | |
point_property_map() const | CGAL::Distance_adapter< Key, PointPropertyMap, Base_distance > | |
Query_item typedef | CGAL::Distance_adapter< Key, PointPropertyMap, Base_distance > |