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CGAL 5.1.3 - STL Extensions for CGAL
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
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 Cresult_ofAlias to the tr1 implementation from boost of the result_of mechanism
 Cbinary_functionReplacement for std::binary_function that is deprecated since C++11, and removed from C++17
 Cunary_functionReplacement for std::unary_function that is deprecated since C++11, and removed from C++17
 CBoolean_tagDepending on bool value the class Boolean_tag indicates that something is true or false respectively
 CCast_function_objectThe class Cast_function_object applies a C-style type cast to its argument
 CCC_safe_handleThe class CC_safe_handle is a helper class that stores an iterator on a Compact_container (or Concurrent_compact_container) and is able to know if the pointee has been erased after the creation of the CC_safe_handle instance
 CCompactCompact is a tag class
 CCompact_containerAn object of the class Compact_container is a container of objects of type T
 CCompact_container_baseThe class Compact_container_base can be used as a base class for your own type T, so that T can be used directly within Compact_container<T, Allocator>
 CCompact_container_traitsThe traits class Compact_container_traits provides the way to access the internal pointer required for T to be used in a Compact_container<T, Allocator>
 CCompare_to_lessThe class Compare_to_less is used to convert a functor which returns a Comparison_result to a predicate (returning bool) : it will return true iff the return value of F is SMALLER
 CConcurrent_compact_containerAn object of the class Concurrent_compact_container is a container of objects of type T, which allows to call insert and erase operations concurrently
 CConcurrent_compact_container_traitsThe traits class Concurrent_compact_container_traits provides the way to access the internal pointer required for T to be used in a Concurrent_compact_container<T, Allocator>
 CConst_oneset_iteratorThe class Const_oneset_iterator defines a RandomAccessIterator that always refers to a copy of a specific object of type T
 CConstruct_arrayFunctor that constructs std::array<T, N> where N is the number of arguments given to the function
 CCounting_iteratorThe iterator adaptor Counting_iterator adds a counter to the internal iterator of type Iterator and defines equality of two instances in terms of this counter
 CCreator_1The class Creator_1 defines types and operations for creating objects from one argument
 CCreator_2The class Creator_2 defines types and operations for creating objects from two arguments
 CCreator_3The class Creator_3 defines types and operations for creating objects from three arguments
 CCreator_4The class Creator_4 defines types and operations for creating objects from four arguments
 CCreator_5The class Creator_5 defines types and operations for creating objects from five arguments
 CCreator_uniform_2The class Creator_uniform_2 defines types and operations for creating objects from two arguments of the same type
 CCreator_uniform_3The class Creator_uniform_3 defines types and operations for creating objects from three arguments of the same type
 CCreator_uniform_4The class Creator_uniform_4 defines types and operations for creating objects from four arguments of the same type
 CCreator_uniform_5The class Creator_uniform_5 defines types and operations for creating objects from five arguments of the same type
 CCreator_uniform_6The class Creator_uniform_6 defines types and operations for creating objects from six arguments of the same type
 CCreator_uniform_7The class Creator_uniform_7 defines types and operations for creating objects from seven arguments of the same type
 CCreator_uniform_8The class Creator_uniform_8 defines types and operations for creating objects from eight arguments of the same type
 CCreator_uniform_9The class Creator_uniform_9 defines types and operations for creating objects from nine arguments of the same type
 CCreator_uniform_dThe class Creator_uniform_d defines types and operations for creating objects from two arguments of the same type
 CDefaultDefault is a tag class
 CGetA nested template providing a typedef type which equals Type if Parameter is Default, and Parameter otherwise
 CLazy_getA nested template providing a typedef type which equals MetaFct::type if Parameter is Default, and Parameter otherwise
 CDereferenceThe class Dereference dereferences a pointer (operator*)
 CDispatch_or_drop_output_iteratorThe class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator defines an OutputIterator that contains a tuple of output iterators, and dispatches among those based on the type of the value type which is put in it
 CDispatch_output_iteratorThe class Dispatch_output_iterator defines an OutputIterator that contains a tuple of output iterators, and dispatches among those based on the type of the value type which is put in it
 CEmptyset_iteratorThe class Emptyset_iterator defines an OutputIterator that ignores everything written to it
 CFastFast is a tag class
 CFilter_iteratorThe iterator adaptor Filter_iterator acts as a filter on a given range
 CFourtupleThe Fourtuple class stores a homogeneous (same type) fourtuple of objects of type T
 CGet_addressThe class Get_address gets the address of an lvalue (operator&)
 CIdentityThe class Identity represents the identity function on Value
 CIn_place_listAn object of the class In_place_list represents a sequence of items of type T that supports bidirectional iterators and allows constant time insert and erase operations anywhere within the sequence
 CIn_place_list_baseThe node base classes provides pointers to build linked lists
 CInsert_iteratorThe output iterator Insert_iterator is similar to std::insert_iterator, but differs in that it calls the insert() function of the container without the iterator additional argument
 CInverse_indexThe class Inverse_index constructs an inverse index for a given range [i,j) of two iterators or circulators of type IC
 CIterator_rangeCGAL::Iterator_range encapsulates two iterators so they fulfill the ForwardRange concept
 CJoin_input_iterator_1The class Join_input_iterator_1 joins an iterator and a creator function object
 CJoin_input_iterator_2The class Join_input_iterator_2 joins two iterators
 CJoin_input_iterator_3The class Join_input_iterator_3 joins three iterators
 CLocation_policyLocation_policy is a policy class which can be used to specify a trade-off between memory usage and time complexity for the point location strategy used in a data-structure
 CN_step_adaptorThe adaptor N_step_adaptor changes the step width of the iterator or circulator class I to N
 CNull_functorClass indicating the absence of a functor
 CNull_tagGeneral tag indicating that non of any other possible tags is valid
 CObjectSome functions can return different types of objects
 COneset_iteratorThe class Oneset_iterator defines an BidirectionalIterator that always refers to one specific object of type T
 CParallel_if_available_tagThis tag is a convenience typedef to Parallel_tag if the third party library Intel TBB has been found and linked, and to Sequential_tag otherwise
 CParallel_tagTag used to enable concurrency
 CProject_facetThe class Project_facet calls the member function facet() on an instance of type Node
 CProject_nextThe class Project_next calls the member function next() on an instance of type Node
 CProject_next_oppositeThe class Project_next_opposite calls the member functions next()->opposite() on an instance of type Node
 CProject_normalThe class Project_normal calls the member function normal() on an instance of type Node
 CProject_opposite_prevThe class Project_opposite_prev calls the member functions opposite()->prev() on an instance of type Node
 CProject_planeThe class Project_plane calls the member function plane() on an instance of type Node
 CProject_pointThe class Project_point calls the member function point() on an instance of type Node
 CProject_prevThe class Project_prev calls the member function prev() on an instance of type Node
 CProject_vertexThe class Project_vertex calls the member function vertex() on an instance of type Node
 CQuadrupleThe Quadruple class is an extension of std::pair
 CRandom_access_adaptorThe class Random_access_adaptor provides a random access for data structures
 CRandom_access_value_adaptorThe class Random_access_value_adaptor provides a random access for data structures
 CSequential_tagTag used to disable concurrency
 CSixtupleThe Sixtuple class stores a homogeneous (same type) sixtuple of objects of type T
 CSpatial_lock_grid_3The class Spatial_lock_grid_3 allows to lock points with coordinates (x, y, z) in a 3D grid
 CTripleThe Triple class is an extension of std::pair
 CTwotupleThe Twotuple class stores a homogeneous (same type) pair of objects of type T
 CUncertainAn object of the class Uncertain represents an uncertainty on the value of type T
 Cvalue_type_traitsClass providing the value type of an iterator, and in the case of an output iterator, a type of objects that can be put in it
 Cvalue_type_traits< std::back_insert_iterator< Container > >
 Cvalue_type_traits< std::front_insert_iterator< Container > >
 Cvalue_type_traits< std::insert_iterator< Container > >
 CDescriptorThe concept Descriptor allows to describe a unique object in an abstract model
 CHashableA type Key is a model of the concept Hashable if the specializations boost::hash<Key> and std::hash<Key> exist
 CIndexThe concept Index is a refinement of Descriptor which must be convertible from and to std::size_t, and must be incrementable and decrementable
 CObjectWithEraseCounterThe concept ObjectWithEraseCounter describes the functionalities an object must provide so that its erase counter is updated by a CGAL::Compact_container or a CGAL::Concurrent_compact_container
 CSurjectiveLockDataStructureThe concept SurjectiveLockDataStructure describes functionalities of a data structure whose goal is to lock objects in a multi-threaded environment. Such data structures are intended to be used by concurrent algorithms