CGAL 5.3 - 3D Alpha Shapes
Refinement Relationships
Concept AlphaShapeCell_3

DelaunayTriangulationCellBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a Delaunay triangulation.

RegularTriangulationCellBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a regular triangulation.

Periodic_3TriangulationDSCellBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a periodic triangulation.

Concept AlphaShapeTraits_3
Concept AlphaShapeVertex_3

TriangulationVertexBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a Delaunay triangulation.

RegularTriangulationVertexBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a regular triangulation.

Periodic_3TriangulationDSVertexBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a periodic triangulation.

Concept FixedAlphaShapeCell_3

DelaunayTriangulationCellBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a Delaunay triangulation.

RegularTriangulationCellBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a regular triangulation.

Periodic_3TriangulationDSCellBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a periodic triangulation.

Concept FixedAlphaShapeTraits_3
Concept FixedAlphaShapeVertex_3

TriangulationVertexBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a Delaunay triangulation.

RegularTriangulationVertexBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a regular triangulation.

Periodic_3TriangulationDSVertexBase_3, if the underlying triangulation of the alpha shape is a periodic triangulation.

Concept FixedWeightedAlphaShapeTraits_3
Concept WeightedAlphaShapeTraits_3