CGAL 5.3.2 - Number Types
H. Brönnimann, C. Burnikel, and S. Pion. Interval arithmetic yields efficient dynamic filters for computational geometry. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 109:25–47, 2001.
Torbjörn Granlund. GMP, the GNU multiple precision arithmetic library.
Vijay Karamcheti, Chen Li, Igor Pechtchanski, and Chee Yap. The CORE Library Project, 1.2 edition, 1999.
MPFI - the multiple precision floating-point interval library. Revol, Nathalie and Rouillier, Fabrice.
MPFR - the multiple precision floating-point reliable library. The MPFR Team.
Algorithmic Solutions. The LEDA User Manual. Algorithmic Solutions, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany.