CGAL 5.3 - Combinatorial Maps


 The concept CellAttribute represents a non void attribute associated with a cell of a generic map. It can keep a handle to one dart of its associated cell, and can contain any information. More...
 The concept CombinatorialMap defines a d-dimensional combinatorial map. More...
 The concept GenericMap defines a d-dimensional generic map. This concept is defined only to factorize the common notions between CombinatorialMap and GeneralizedMap concepts. More...
 The concept GenericMapItems allows to customize a dD generic map by choosing the information associated with darts, and by enabling and disabling some attributes. For that, it defines an inner class template named Dart_wrapper, with one template parameter, Map, a model of the GenericMap concept. This inner class can define the two types Dart_info and Attributes. More...