class | CGAL::Euclidean_distance< Traits > |
| The class Euclidean_distance provides an implementation of the concept OrthogonalDistance , with the Euclidean distance ( l_2 metric). More...
class | CGAL::Euclidean_distance_sphere_point< Traits > |
| The class Euclidean_distance_sphere_point provides an implementation of the GeneralDistance concept for the Euclidean distance ( l_2 metric) between a d-dimensional sphere and a point, and the Euclidean distance between a d-dimensional sphere and a d-dimensional iso-rectangle defined as a k- d tree rectangle. More...
class | CGAL::Manhattan_distance_iso_box_point< Traits > |
| The class Manhattan_distance_iso_box_point provides an implementation of the GeneralDistance concept for the Manhattan distance ( l_1 metric) between a d -dimensional iso-box and a d -dimensional point and the Manhattan distance between a d -dimensional iso-box and a d -dimensional iso-box defined as a k-d tree rectangle. More...
class | CGAL::Distance_adapter< Key, PointPropertyMap, Base_distance > |
| A class that uses a point property map to adapt a distance class to work on a key as point type. More...
class | CGAL::Weighted_Minkowski_distance< Traits > |
| The class Weighted_Minkowski_distance provides an implementation of the concept OrthogonalDistance , with a weighted Minkowski metric on d-dimensional points defined by l_p(w)(r,q)= ({\Sigma_{i=1}^{i=d} \, w_i(r_i-q_i)^p})^{1/p} for 0 < p <\infty and defined by l_{\infty}(w)(r,q)=max \{w_i |r_i-q_i| \mid 1 \leq i \leq d\}. More...