CGAL 5.4.3 - Weights
Weight Interface Reference

Dmitry Anisimov
Many geometric algorithms rely on weighted constructions. This package provides a simple and unified interface to different types of weights. In particular, it includes numerous weights with a simple analytic expression, generalized barycentric weights, and weighting regions. All weights are available both in 2D and 3D.
Introduced in: CGAL 5.4
BibTeX: cgal:a-wi-22b
License: LGPL
Windows Demo: Polyhedron demo
Common Demo Dlls: dlls

Weight Interface


Analytic Weights

Barycentric Weights

Weighting Regions


 Concepts which are used to parameterize and define the functions and classes of this package.
 Analytic Weights
 Models and functions that can be used to compute weights which have a simple analytic expression.
 Barycentric Weights
 Models and functions that can be used to compute barycentric weights with respect to polygons.
 Weighting Regions
 Models and functions that can be used to compute weighting regions.


file  Weights.h
 A convenience header that includes all weights.