CGAL 5.4.4 - Interval Skip List
An interval skip list is a data structure for finding all intervals that contain a point, and for stabbing queries, that is for answering the question whether a given point is contained in an interval or not. The implementation we provide is dynamic, that is the user can freely mix calls to the methods insert(..)
, remove(..)
, find_intervals(..)
, and is_contained(..)
The interval skip list class is parameterized with an interval class.
The data structure was introduced by Hanson [1], and it is called interval skip list, because it is an extension of the randomized list structure known as skip list [2].
We give two examples. The first one uses a basic interval class. In the second example we create an interval skip list for the z-ranges of the faces of a terrain, allowing to answer level queries.
The first example reads two numbers n
and d
from std::cin
. It creates n
intervals of length d
with the left endpoint at n
. It then reads out the intervals for the 1-dimensional points with coordinates 0 ... n+d.
The interval skip list class has as template argument an interval class. In this example we use the class Interval_skip_list_interval
File Interval_skip_list/intervals.cpp
The second example creates an interval skip list that allows to find all the faces of a terrain intersected by an horizontal plane at a given height. The data points for the terrain are read from a file.
As model for the interval concept, we use a class that is a wrapper around a face handle of a triangulated terrain. Lower and upper bound of the interval are smallest and largest z-coordinate of the face.
File Interval_skip_list/isl_terrain.cpp