CGAL 5.5.4 - Polygon Mesh Processing
#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/corefinement.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/IO/polygon_mesh_io.h>
#include <fstream>
struct Visitor_rep{
Visitor_rep(double normalize = 4)
: normalize(normalize)
void progress_filtering_intersections(double d)
d /= normalize;
total += d;
if(total > bound){
std::cout << std::setprecision(3) << total*100 << " % in " << std::setprecision(5) << t.time() << " sec." << std::endl;
bound += 0.1;
void start_triangulating_faces(std::size_t tf)
tfaces = tf;
bound_faces = tf/10;
void face_triangulation(std::size_t i)
if(i> bound_faces){
std::cout << double(i)/double(tfaces) * 100 << " %" << std::endl;
bound_faces += tfaces/10;
void start_coplanar_faces(std::size_t tc)
std::cout << "Visitor::start_coplanar_faces() at " << t.time() << " sec." << std::endl;
tcoplanar= tc;
count_coplanar = 0;
bound_coplanar = tcoplanar/10;
void intersection_of_coplanar_faces_step()
if(count_coplanar> bound_coplanar){
std::cout << "Visitor::coplanar_faces: " << double(count_coplanar)/double(tcoplanar) * 100 << " % " << std::endl;
bound_coplanar += tcoplanar/10;
void start_intersection_points(std::size_t ti)
std::cout << "Visitor::start_intersection_points() at " << t.time() << " sec." << std::endl;
tintersection= ti;
count_intersection = 0;
bound_intersection = tintersection/10;
void edge_face_intersections_step()
if(count_intersection> bound_intersection){
std::cout << "Visitor::intersection_points: " << double(count_intersection)/double(tintersection) * 100 << " % " << std::endl;
bound_intersection += tintersection/10;
double time() const
return t.time();
double normalize;
double bound = 0.1;
double total = 0;
std::size_t count = 0;
std::size_t bound_faces = 0;
std::size_t tfaces = 0;
std::size_t bound_coplanar = 0;
std::size_t tcoplanar = 0;
std::size_t count_coplanar = 0;
std::size_t bound_intersection = 0;
std::size_t tintersection = 0;
std::size_t count_intersection = 0;
CGAL::Timer t;
struct Visitor :
public PMP::Corefinement::Default_visitor<Mesh>
std::shared_ptr<Visitor_rep> sptr;
: sptr(std::make_shared<Visitor_rep>())
void progress_filtering_intersections(double d)
void start_filtering_intersections() const
std::cout << "Visitor::start_filtering_intersections() at " << sptr->time() << " sec." << std::endl;
void end_filtering_intersections() const
std::cout << "Visitor::end_filtering_intersections() at " << sptr->time() << " sec." << std::endl;
void start_triangulating_faces(std::size_t tf)const
std::cout << "Visitor::start_triangulation() with " << tf << " faces at " << sptr->time() << " sec." << std::endl;
void face_triangulation(std::size_t i) const
void end_triangulating_faces()const
std::cout << "Visitor::end_triangulating_faces() at " << sptr->time() << " sec." << std::endl;
void start_coplanar_faces(std::size_t i) const
void intersection_of_coplanar_faces_step() const
void end_coplanar_faces() const
std::cout << "Visitor::end_coplanar_faces() at " << sptr->time() << " sec." << std::endl;
void start_intersection_points(std::size_t i) const
void edge_face_intersections_step() const
void end_intersection_points() const
std::cout << "Visitor::end_intersection_points() at " << sptr->time() << " sec." << std::endl;
void start_building_output() const
std::cout << "Visitor::start_building_output() at " << sptr->time() << " sec."<< std::endl;
void end_building_output() const
std::cout << "Visitor::end_building_output() at " << sptr->time() << " sec." << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const std::string filename1 = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : CGAL::data_file_path("meshes/");
const std::string filename2 = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : CGAL::data_file_path("meshes/");
Mesh mesh1, mesh2;
if(!CGAL::IO::read_polygon_mesh(filename1, mesh1) || !CGAL::IO::read_polygon_mesh(filename2, mesh2))
std::cerr << "Invalid input." << std::endl;
return 1;
CGAL::Timer t;
Mesh out;
Visitor visitor;
bool valid_union = PMP::corefine_and_compute_union (mesh1,mesh2, out, CGAL::parameters::visitor(visitor));
std::cout << "Global timer = " << t.time() << " sec." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Union was successfully computed\n";
CGAL::IO::write_polygon_mesh("", out, CGAL::parameters::stream_precision(17));
return 0;
std::cout << "Union could not be computed\n";
return 1;