CGAL 5.5.5 - Shape Regularization
#include "include/utils.h"
#include "include/Saver.h"
#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
// Typedefs.
using FT = typename Kernel::FT;
using Segment_2 = typename Kernel::Segment_2;
using Segments = std::vector<Segment_2>;
using Indices = std::vector<std::size_t>;
using Neighbor_query =
using Offset_regularization =
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// If we want to save the result in a file, we save it in a path.
std::string path = "";
if (argc > 1) path = argv[1];
Saver<Kernel> saver;
// Initialize 100 segments in a fuzzy circle.
std::vector<Segment_2> segments;
// Save input segments.
if (path != "") {
const std::string full_path = path + "regularize_100_segments_offsets_before";
saver.export_eps_segments(segments, full_path, FT(100));
// Find groups of parallel segments.
const FT max_angle_2 = FT(1);
std::vector<Indices> pgroups;
segments, std::back_inserter(pgroups),
// Offset regularization.
const FT max_offset_2 = FT(1) / FT(4);
// Create neigbor query and offset-based regularization model.
Neighbor_query neighbor_query(segments);
Offset_regularization offset_regularization(
segments, CGAL::parameters::maximum_offset(max_offset_2));
// Add each group of parallel segments with at least 2 segments.
for (const auto& pgroup : pgroups) {
// Regularize.
segments, neighbor_query, offset_regularization);
std::cout << "* number of modified segments = " <<
offset_regularization.number_of_modified_segments() << std::endl;
// Save regularized segments.
if (path != "") {
const std::string full_path = path + "regularize_100_segments_offsets_after";
saver.export_eps_segments(segments, full_path, FT(100));