CGAL 5.5 - CGAL and the Boost Graph Library
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#ifndef _PRINT_ARR_H_
#define _PRINT_ARR_H_
// Print all neighboring vertices to a given arrangement vertex.
template<class Arrangement>
void print_neighboring_vertices (typename Arrangement::Vertex_const_handle v)
if (v->is_isolated())
std::cout << "The vertex (" << v->point() << ") is isolated" << std::endl;
typename Arrangement::Halfedge_around_vertex_const_circulator first, curr;
typename Arrangement::Vertex_const_handle u;
std::cout << "The neighbors of the vertex (" << v->point() << ") are:";
first = curr = v->incident_halfedges();
// Note that the current halfedge is (u -> v):
u = curr->source();
std::cout << " (" << u->point() << ")";
} while (curr != first);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Print all vertices (points) and edges (curves) along a connected component
// boundary.
template<class Arrangement>
void print_ccb (typename Arrangement::Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator circ)
typename Arrangement::Ccb_halfedge_const_circulator curr = circ;
typename Arrangement::Halfedge_const_handle he;
std::cout << "(" << curr->source()->point() << ")";
he = curr;
std::cout << " [" << he->curve() << "] "
<< "(" << he->target()->point() << ")";
} while (curr != circ);
std::cout << std::endl;
// Print the boundary description of an arrangement face.
template<class Arrangement>
void print_face (typename Arrangement::Face_const_handle f)
// Print the outer boundary.
if (f->is_unbounded())
std::cout << "Unbounded face. " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Outer boundary: ";
print_ccb<Arrangement> (f->outer_ccb());
// Print the boundary of each of the holes.
typename Arrangement::Hole_const_iterator hole;
int index = 1;
for (hole = f->holes_begin(); hole != f->holes_end(); ++hole, ++index)
std::cout << " Hole #" << index << ": ";
print_ccb<Arrangement> (*hole);
// Print the isolated vertices.
typename Arrangement::Isolated_vertex_const_iterator iv;
for (iv = f->isolated_vertices_begin(), index = 1;
iv != f->isolated_vertices_end(); ++iv, ++index)
std::cout << " Isolated vertex #" << index << ": "
<< "(" << iv->point() << ")" << std::endl;
// Print the given arrangement.
template<class Arrangement>
void print_arrangement (const Arrangement& arr)
CGAL_precondition (arr.is_valid());
// Print the arrangement vertices.
typename Arrangement::Vertex_const_iterator vit;
std::cout << arr.number_of_vertices() << " vertices:" << std::endl;
for (vit = arr.vertices_begin(); vit != arr.vertices_end(); ++vit)
std::cout << "(" << vit->point() << ")";
if (vit->is_isolated())
std::cout << " - Isolated." << std::endl;
std::cout << " - degree " << vit->degree() << std::endl;
// Print the arrangement edges.
typename Arrangement::Edge_const_iterator eit;
std::cout << arr.number_of_edges() << " edges:" << std::endl;
for (eit = arr.edges_begin(); eit != arr.edges_end(); ++eit)
std::cout << "[" << eit->curve() << "]" << std::endl;
// Print the arrangement faces.
typename Arrangement::Face_const_iterator fit;
std::cout << arr.number_of_faces() << " faces:" << std::endl;
for (fit = arr.faces_begin(); fit != arr.faces_end(); ++fit)
print_face<Arrangement> (fit);