CGAL 5.6.2 - 2D Arrangements


 Topology Traits Concepts
 DCEL Concepts
 Geometric Object Concepts
 Function Object Concepts
 Geometry Traits Concepts


 A model for the ArrangementInputFormatter concept supports a set of functions that enable reading an arrangement from an input stream using a specific format. More...
 A model for the ArrangementOutputFormatter concept supports a set of functions that enable writing an arrangement to an output stream using a specific format. More...
 A model of the ArrangementPointLocation_2 concept can answer point-location queries on an arrangement attached to it. Namely, given a Arrangement_2::Point_2 object, representing a point in the plane, it returns the arrangement cell containing it. In the general case, the query point is contained inside an arrangement face, but in degenerate situations it may lie on an edge or coincide with an arrangement vertex. More...
 A model of the ArrangementVerticalRayShoot_2 concept can answer vertical ray-shooting queries on an arrangement attached to it. Namely, given a Arrangement_2::Point_2 object, representing a point in the plane, it returns the arrangement feature (edge or vertex) that lies strictly above it (or below it). By "strictly" we mean that if the query point lies on an arrangement edge (or on an arrangement vertex) this edge will not be the query result, but the feature lying above or below it. (An exception to this rule is the degenerate case where the query point lies in the interior of a vertical edge.) Note that it may happen that the query point lies above the upper envelope (or below the lower envelope) of the arrangement, and the vertical ray emanating from the query point goes to infinity without hitting any arrangement feature on its way. In this case the unbounded face is returned. More...
 A model for the ArrangementWithHistoryInputFormatter concept supports a set of functions that enable reading an arrangement-with-history instance from an input stream using a specific format. More...
 A model for the ArrangementWithHistoryOutputFormatter concept supports a set of functions that enable writing an arrangement-with-history instance to an output stream using a specific format. More...