CGAL 5.6.2 - CGAL and the Boost Graph Library

Graph adaptors are classes that build an interface over an existing graph to provide new functionalities.

For example, CGAL::Dual allows to traverse and query the dual graph of a graph without actually building the dual. By operating almost entirely on the input graph, adaptors can avoid potentially expensive operations, both in term of time and memory.


struct  CGAL::Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph< Graph_ >
 The class Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph wraps a graph into another graph in such a way that its descriptors contain a reference to the graph they come from. More...
struct  CGAL::Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph_property_map< Graph, PM, Category >
 Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph_property_map enables to forward properties from a Graph to a Graph_with_descriptor_with_graph. More...
struct  CGAL::Face_filtered_graph< Graph, FIMap, VIMap, HIMap >
 The class Face_filtered_graph is an adaptor that creates a filtered view of a graph by restricting it to a subset of faces. More...
class  CGAL::Dual< Primal_ >
 The class template Dual is an adaptor that creates the dual view of a FaceGraph. More...
class  CGAL::Seam_mesh< TM, SEM, SVM >
 This class is a data structure that takes a triangle mesh, further referred to as underlying mesh and turns some marked edges of that mesh into virtual boundary edges. More...