CGAL 5.6.2 - 3D Mesh Generation

The classes in this group are the main classes involved in the mesh generation process.


class  CGAL::Mesh_cell_criteria_3< Tr >
 The class Mesh_cell_criteria_3 is a model of MeshCellCriteria_3. More...
class  CGAL::Mesh_facet_criteria_3< Tr >
 The class Mesh_facet_criteria_3 is a model of MeshFacetCriteria_3. More...
struct  CGAL::Mesh_triangulation_3< MD, Gt, Concurrency_tag, Vertex_base, Cell_base >
 The class Mesh_triangulation_3 is a class template which provides the triangulation type to be used for the 3D triangulation embedding the mesh. More...
class  CGAL::Mesh_criteria_3< Tr, EdgeCriteria, FacetCriteria, CellCriteria >
 The class gathers the refinement criteria for mesh tetrahedra and surface facets where surface facets are facets in the mesh approximating the domain surface patches. More...
struct  CGAL::Mesh_vertex_base_3< GT, MD, Vb >
 The class Mesh_vertex_base_3 is a model of the concept MeshVertexBase_3. More...
class  CGAL::Mesh_cell_base_3< GT, MD, Cb >
 The class Mesh_cell_base_3<GT, MD, Cb> is a model of the concept MeshCellBase_3. More...
class  CGAL::Compact_mesh_cell_base_3< GT, MD, TDS >
 The class Compact_mesh_cell_base_3<GT, MD> is a model of the concept MeshCellBase_3. More...
class  CGAL::Mesh_edge_criteria_3< Tr >
 The function object class Mesh_edge_criteria_3 is a model of MeshEdgeCriteria_3. More...