

An object of the class Gmpq is an arbitrary precision rational number based on the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library.

#include <CGAL/Gmpq.h>

Is Model for the Concepts



the field type, which is Gmpz.


Gmpq q;
creates an uninitialized multiple precision rational number q.

Gmpq q ( int i);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with i.

Gmpq q ( Gmpz n);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with n.

Gmpq q ( int n, int d);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with n/d.

Gmpq q ( signed long n, unsigned long d);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with n/d.

Gmpq q ( unsigned long n, unsigned long d);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with n/d.

Gmpq q ( Gmpz n, Gmpz d);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with n/d.

Gmpq q ( double d);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with d.

Gmpq q ( std::string str);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with str.

Gmpq q ( std::string str, int base);
creates a multiple-precision rational number initialized with str.


There are two access functions, namely to the numerator and the denominator of a ratioanal. Note that these values are not uniquely defined. It is guaranteed that q.numerator() and q.denominator() return values nt_num and nt_den such that q = nt_num/nt_den, only if q.numerator() and q.denominator() are called consecutively wrt q, i.e. q is not involved in any other operation between these calls.

Gmpz q.numerator () returns the numerator of q.
Gmpz q.denominator () returns the denominator of q.


Gmpqs are reference counted.