The class Barycentric_mapping_parameterizer_3 implements Tutte Barycentric Mapping algorithm [Tut63]. This algorithm is also called Tutte Uniform Weights by other authors.
One-to-one mapping is guaranteed if the surface's border is mapped to a convex polygon.
This class is a Strategy [GHJV95] called by the main parameterization algorithm Fixed_border_parameterizer_3::parameterize(). Barycentric_mapping_parameterizer_3:
#include <CGAL/Barycentric_mapping_parameterizer_3.h>
Model of the ParameterizerTraits_3 concept.
Barycentric_mapping_parameterizer_3<ParameterizationMesh_3, ...> class is a Strategy [GHJV95]: it implements a strategy of surface parameterization for models of ParameterizationMesh_3.
The full template declaration is:
class ParameterizationMesh_3,
class BorderParameterizer_3 = Circular_border_arc_length_parameterizer_3<ParameterizationMesh_3>,
class SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d = OpenNL::DefaultLinearSolverTraits<typename ParameterizationMesh_3::NT>
class Barycentric_mapping_parameterizer_3;
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Compute w_ij = (i,j) coefficient of matrix A for j neighbor vertex of i. Tutte Barycentric Mapping algorithm is the most simple one: w_ij = 1 for j neighbor vertex of i. | ||||
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Check if 3D - 2D mapping is one-to-one. Theorem: one-to-one mapping is guaranteed if all w_ij coefficients are 0 (for j vertex neighbor of i) and if the surface border is mapped onto a 2D convex polygon. All w_ij coefficients = 1 (for j vertex neighbor of i), thus mapping is guaranteed if the surface border is mapped onto a 2D convex polygon. |
CGAL::Fixed_border_parameterizer_3<ParameterizationMesh_3, BorderParameterizer_3, SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d>
CGAL::Discrete_authalic_parameterizer_3<ParameterizationMesh_3, BorderParameterizer_3, SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d>
CGAL::Discrete_conformal_map_parameterizer_3<ParameterizationMesh_3, BorderParameterizer_3, SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d>
CGAL::LSCM_parameterizer_3<ParameterizationMesh_3, BorderParameterizer_3, SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d>
CGAL::Mean_value_coordinates_parameterizer_3<ParameterizationMesh_3, BorderParameterizer_3, SparseLinearAlgebraTraits_d>