Circular_border_arc_length_parameterizer_3 is the default border parameterizer for fixed border parameterization methods.
This class parameterizes the border of a 3D surface onto a circle, with an arc-length parameterization: (u,v) values are proportional to the length of border edges. Circular_border_parameterizer_3 implements most of the border parameterization algorithm. This class implements only compute_edge_length() to compute a segment's length.
#include <CGAL/Circular_border_parameterizer_3.h>
Model of the BorderParameterizer_3 concept.
BorderParameterizer_3 models are Strategies [GHJV95]: they implement a strategy of border parameterization for models of ParameterizationMesh_3
The full template declaration is:
class ParameterizationMesh_3
class Circular_border_arc_length_parameterizer_3;
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default constructor.
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Compute the length of an edge. Arc-length border parameterization: (u,v) values are proportional to the length of border edges. |
See Taucs_parameterization.cpp example.