

Parameterization_mesh_patch_3 is a Decorator class to virtually cut a patch in a ParameterizationPatchableMesh_3 3D surface. Only the patch is exported, making the 3D surface look like a topological disk.

The input mesh can be of any genus, but it has to come with a seam that describes the border of a topological disc. This border may be an actual border of the mesh or a virtual border.

#include <CGAL/Parameterization_mesh_patch_3.h>

Is Model for the Concepts

Model of ParameterizationMesh_3 concept, whose purpose is to allow the Surface_mesh_parameterization package to access meshes in a uniform manner.

Design Pattern

Parameterization_mesh_patch_3 is a Decorator [GHJV95]: it changes the behavior of a ParameterizationPatchableMesh_3 3D surface while keeping its ParameterizationMesh_3 interface.


The full template declaration is:

class ParameterizationPatchableMesh_3>
class Parameterization_mesh_patch_3;


The following mutable handles, iterators, and circulators have appropriate non-mutable counterparts, i.e. const_handle, const_iterator, and const_circulator. The mutable types are assignable to their non-mutable counterparts. Both circulators are assignable to the Vertex_iterator. The iterators are assignable to the respective handle types. Wherever the handles appear in function parameter lists, the corresponding iterators can be used as well.

Export template parameter.

Number type to represent coordinates.

2D point that represents (u,v) coordinates computed by parameterization methods. Must provide X() and Y() methods.

3D point that represents vertices coordinates. Must provide X() and Y() methods.

2D vector. Must provide X() and Y() methods.

3D vector. Must provide X() and Y() methods.

Opaque type representing a facet of the 3D mesh. No methods are expected.

Handle to a facet. Model of the Handle concept.

Iterator over all mesh facets. Model of the ForwardIterator concept.

Opaque type representing a vertex of the 3D mesh. No methods are expected.

Handle to a vertex. Model of the Handle concept.

Iterator over all vertices of a mesh. Model of the ForwardIterator concept.

Iterator over vertices of the mesh main border. Model of the ForwardIterator concept.

Counter-clockwise circulator over a facet's vertices. Model of the BidirectionalCirculator concept.

Clockwise circulator over the vertices incident to a vertex. Model of the BidirectionalCirculator concept.



Parameterization_mesh_patch_3<ParameterizationPatchableMesh_3> mesh ( Adaptor& mesh,
InputIterator first_seam_vertex,
InputIterator end_seam_vertex);
Create a Decorator for an existing ParameterizationPatchableMesh_3 mesh. The input mesh can be of any genus, but it has to come with a seam that describes the border of a topological disc. This border may be an actual border of the mesh or a virtual border. Preconditions:
  • first_seam_vertex -> end_seam_vertex defines the outer seam, i.e. Parameterization_mesh_patch_3 will export the right of the seam.
  • The seam is given as a container of Adaptor::Vertex_handle elements.
  • The seam is implicitly a loop. The first vertex should not be duplicated at the end.


The following methods returning a mutable handle, iterator, or circulator have appropriate non-mutable counterpart methods, i.e. const, returning a const_handle, const_iterator, or const_circulator.

Adaptor& mesh.get_decorated_mesh () Get the decorated mesh.
Adaptor mesh.get_decorated_mesh ()
bool mesh.is_valid () Indicate if the mesh matches the ParameterizationMesh_3 concept.
Vertex_iterator mesh.mesh_vertices_begin () Get iterator over first vertex of mesh.
Vertex_const_iterator mesh.mesh_vertices_begin ()
Vertex_iterator mesh.mesh_vertices_end () Get iterator over past-the-end vertex of mesh.
Vertex_const_iterator mesh.mesh_vertices_end ()
int mesh.count_mesh_vertices () Count the number of vertices of the mesh.
void mesh.index_mesh_vertices () Index vertices of the mesh from 0 to count_mesh_vertices()-1.
Border_vertex_iterator mesh.mesh_main_border_vertices_begin ()
Get iterator over first vertex of mesh's main border (aka seam).
Border_vertex_const_iterator mesh.mesh_main_border_vertices_begin ()
Border_vertex_iterator mesh.mesh_main_border_vertices_end ()
Get iterator over past-the-end vertex of mesh's main border (aka seam).
Border_vertex_const_iterator mesh.mesh_main_border_vertices_end ()
std::list<Vertex_handle> mesh.get_border ( Vertex_handle seed_vertex)
Return the border containing seed_vertex. Return an empty list if not found.
Facet_iterator mesh.mesh_facets_begin () Get iterator over first facet of mesh.
Facet_const_iterator mesh.mesh_facets_begin ()
Facet_iterator mesh.mesh_facets_end () Get iterator over past-the-end facet of mesh.
Facet_const_iterator mesh.mesh_facets_end ()
int mesh.count_mesh_facets () Count the number of facets of the mesh.
bool mesh.is_mesh_triangular () Return true of all mesh's facets are triangles.
int mesh.count_mesh_halfedges () Count the number of halfedges of the mesh.
Vertex_around_facet_circulator mesh.facet_vertices_begin ( Facet_handle facet)
Get circulator over facet's vertices.
mesh.facet_vertices_begin ( Facet_const_handle facet)
int mesh.count_facet_vertices ( Facet_const_handle facet)
Count the number of vertices of a facet.
Point_3 mesh.get_vertex_position ( Vertex_const_handle vertex)
Get the 3D position of a vertex.
Point_2 mesh.get_vertex_uv ( Vertex_const_handle vertex)
Get/set the 2D position (u/v pair) of a vertex. Default value is undefined.
void mesh.set_vertex_uv ( Vertex_handle vertex, Point_2 uv)
bool mesh.is_vertex_parameterized ( Vertex_const_handle vertex)
Get/set is parameterized field of vertex. Default value is undefined.
void mesh.set_vertex_parameterized ( Vertex_handle vertex, bool parameterized)
int mesh.get_vertex_index ( Vertex_const_handle vertex)
Get/set vertex index. Default value is undefined.
void mesh.set_vertex_index ( Vertex_handle vertex, int index)
int mesh.get_vertex_tag ( Vertex_const_handle vertex)
Get/set vertex' all purpose tag. Default value is undefined.
void mesh.set_vertex_tag ( Vertex_handle vertex, int tag)
bool mesh.is_vertex_on_border ( Vertex_const_handle vertex)
Return true if a vertex belongs to ANY mesh's border.
bool mesh.is_vertex_on_main_border ( Vertex_const_handle vertex)
Return true if a vertex belongs to the UNIQUE mesh's main border set by the constructor.
mesh.vertices_around_vertex_begin ( Vertex_handle vertex,
Vertex_handle start_position = Vertex_handle())
Get circulator over the vertices incident to 'vertex'. 'start_position' defines the optional initial position of the circulator.
mesh.vertices_around_vertex_begin ( Vertex_const_handle vertex,
Vertex_const_handle start_position = Vertex_const_handle())

See Also



See Mesh_cutting_parameterization.cpp example.