

A vertex record in an envelope diagram. It is always associated with a point on the lower (upper) envelope of a non-empty set of curves. A vertex is also associated with a set of x-monotone curves that induce the envelope over this point. It is incident to two edges, one lying to its left and the other to its right.


the size type (convertible to size_t).

the corresponding diagram-edge type.

the point type associated with the vertex.

the x-monotone curve type.


EnvelopeDiagramVertex v;
default constructor.

EnvelopeDiagramVertex v ( other);
copy constructor.

EnvelopeDiagramVertex v ( Point_2 p);
constructs a vertex associated with the given point p.

Access Functions

Point_2 v.point () const returns the point associated with v.

Size v.number_of_curves () const returns the number of x-monotone curves associated with v.

Curve_const_iterator v.curves_begin () const return an iterator for the first x-monotone curve associated with v.
Curve_const_iterator v.curves_end () const return a past-the-end iterator for the x-monotone curves associated with v.

Edge_const_handle v.left () const returns the edge lying to v's left.
Edge_const_handle v.right () const returns the edge lying to v's right.


void v.set_point ( Point_2 p) associates the point p with v.

void v.clear_curves () clears the set of curves associated with v.
void v.add_curve ( X_monotone_curve_2 cv)
adds the x-monotone curve cv to the set of curves associated with v.
void v.add_curves ( Curve_const_iterator begin, Curve_const_iterator end)
adds the given range of x-monotone curves to the set of curves associated with v.

void v.set_left ( Edge_const_handle e)
sets the edge lying to the left of v to be e.
void v.set_right ( Edge_const_handle e)
sets the edge lying to the right of v to be e.

See Also
