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#include <CGAL/Point_container.h>
Expects for the template argument an implementation for d-dimensional points of the concept SearchTraits, for example CGAL::Cartesian_d<double>.
Traits::FT | FT; | Number type. |
Traits::Point_d | Point_d; | Point type. |
Point_container<Traits>::iterator | |
An iterator with value type Point_d*.
| |
Point_container<Traits>::const_iterator | |
A const iterator with value type const Point_d*.
Point_container<Traits> c ( int d); | |
Construct an empty container for storing d-dimensional points.
| |
template <class InputIterator> | |
Point_container<Traits> c ( int d, InputIterator begin, InputIterator end); | |
Construct the container of d-dimensional points of type Point_d
given by the iterator sequence [begin, end).
template <class SpatialSeparator> | ||
void | c.split ( &c2, SpatialSeparator sep, bool sliding=false) | |
Given an empty container c2 with the same dimension as c, splits c into cand c2 using the separator sep. If sliding is true after splitting each container contains at least one point. Container c should contain at least two points. | ||
void | c.swap ( &c2) | Swap the contents of c and c2 |
void | c.recompute_tight_bounding_box () | |
Recompute the bounding box of the points in the container. | ||
iterator | c.begin () | Returns an iterator to a pointer to the first point. |
iterator | c.end () | Returns the appropriate past-the-end iterator. |
const_iterator | c.begin () const | Returns a const iterator to a pointer to the first point. |
const_iterator | c.end () const | Returns the appropriate past-the-end const iterator. |
int | c.dimension () const | Returns the dimension. |
int | c.built_coordinate () const | Returns coordinate for which the pointer list is built. |
int | c.max_span_coord () const | Returns coordinate where the associated rectangle has maximal span. |
int | c.max_tight_span_coord () const | Returns coordinate where the point coordinates have maximal span. |
FT | c.max_span_lower () const | Returns lower value of the interval corresponding to max_span_coord(). |
FT | c.max_tight_span_lower () const | Returns lower value of the interval corresponding to max_tight_span_coord(). That is, the smallest max_tight_span_coord()-th coordinate of the points in c. |
FT | c.max_span_upper () const | Returns upper value of the interval corresponding to max_span_coord(). |
FT | c.max_span_upper_without_dim ( int d) const | |
Returns upper value of the interval over all dimensions without taking dimension d into account. | ||
FT | c.max_tight_span_upper () const | Returns upper value of the interval corresponding to max_tight_span_coord(). |
FT | c.max_spread () const | Returns the size of the interval corresponding to max_span_coord(). |
FT | c.max_tight_spread () const | Returns the size of the interval corresponding to max_tight_span_coord(). |
FT | c.median ( int split_coord) const | Returns the median value of the points stored in the container for dimension split_coord. |
Kd_tree_rectangle<Traits> | c.bounding_box () const | Returns the associated rectangle. |
Kd_tree_rectangle<Traits> | c.tight_bounding_box () | Returns the bounding box of the items in associated rectangle. |
int | c.max_tight_span_coord_balanced ( FT aspect_ratio) const | |
Returns the dimension with the maximal point spread, for which after fair splitting the ratio of the length of the longest side and the smallest side of the bounding box of the items in associated rectangle, does not exceed aspect_ratio. | ||
FT | c.balanced_fair ( int d, FT aspect_ratio) | |
Returns the splitting value for fair splitting. | ||
FT | c.balanced_sliding_fair ( int d, FT aspect_ratio) | |
Returns the splitting value for sliding fair splitting. | ||
std::size_t | c.size () const | Returns the number of points stored. |
bool | c.empty () const | Returns true if no points are present, false otherwise. |
template<class Traits> | ||
std::ostream& | std::ostream& s << c | Prints the point container c to the output stream s and returns s. |