

#include <CGAL/Circular_arc_point_3.h>

Is Model for the Concepts



Circular_arc_point_3<SphericalKernel> p ( Point_3<SphericalKernel> q);

Circular_arc_point_3<SphericalKernel> p ( SphericalKernel::Root_for_spheres_2_3 r);

Access Functions

SphericalKernel::Root_of_2 p.x () x-coordinate of the point.
SphericalKernel::Root_of_2 p.y () y-coordinate of the point.
SphericalKernel::Root_of_2 p.z () z-coordinate of the point.

Bbox_3 p.bbox () const Returns a bounding box around the point.


bool p == q Test for equality. Two points are equal, iff their x, y and z coordinates are equal.

bool p != q Test for nonequality.

bool p < q Returns true iff p is lexicographically smaller than q, i.e. either if p.x() < q.x() or if p.x() == q.x() and p.y() < q.y() or if p.x() == q.x() and p.y() == q.y() and p.z() < q.z().

bool p > q Returns true iff p is lexicographically greater than q.

bool p <= q Returns true iff p is lexicographically smaller than or equal to q.

bool p >= q Returns true iff p is lexicographically greater than or equal to q.


istream& std::istream& is >> Circular_arc_point_3 & p
ostream& std::ostream& os << Circular_arc_point_3 p

See Also
