CGAL 6.0.1 - 2D Arrangements
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
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 NArrTraitsThe namespace containing concepts specific to Arrangements
 CArrangementApproximateTraits_2The concept ArrangementApproximateTraits_2 refines the basic traits concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2. A model of this concept is able to approximate a point
 CArrangementBasicTopologyTraitsThe concept ArrangementBasicTopologyTraits defines the minimal functionality needed for a model of a topology traits, which can substitutes the TopolTraits template parameters when the class template Arrangement_on_surface_2<GeomTraits, TopolTraits> is instantiated. In particular. a model of this concept holds the Dcel data structure used to represent the arrangement cells (i.e., vertices, edges, and facets) and the incident relations between them
 CArrangementBasicTraits_2The concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2 defines the minimal set of geometric predicates needed for the construction and maintenance of objects of the class Arrangement_2, as well as performing simple queries (such as point-location queries) on such arrangements
 CArrangementBottomSideTraits_2ArrangementBottomSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the bottom boundary side of the parameter space. (An "abstract" concept is a concept that is useless on its own.) Only a combination of this concept and additional concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the remaining boundary sides (that is, left, right, and top) are purposeful, and can have models
 CArrangementClosedBottomTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementClosedBottomTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is closed
 CArrangementClosedLeftTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementClosedLeftTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is closed
 CArrangementClosedRightTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementClosedRightTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the right side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the right boundary side when it is closed
 CArrangementClosedTopTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementClosedTopTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is closed on the top side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the top boundary side when it is closed
 CArrangementConstructCurveTraits_2The concept ArrangementConstructCurveTraits_2 refines the basic traits concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2. A model of this concept is able to construct a curve from two points
 CArrangementConstructXMonotoneCurveTraits_2The concept ArrangementConstructXMonotoneCurveTraits_2 refines the basic traits concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2. A model of this concept is able to construct an \( x\)-monotone curve from two points
 CArrangementContractedBottomTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementContractedBottomTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is contracted on the bottom side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the bottom boundary side when it is contracted
 CArrangementContractedLeftTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementContractedLeftTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is contracted on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is contracted
 CArrangementContractedRightTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementContractedRightTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is contracted on the right side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the right boundary side when it is contracted
 CArrangementContractedTopTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementContractedTopTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is contracted on the top side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the top boundary side when it is contracted
 CArrangementDcelA doubly-connected edge-list (DCEL for short) data-structure. It consists of three containers of records: vertices \( V\), halfedges \( E\), and faces \( F\). It maintains the incidence relation among them. The halfedges are ordered in pairs sometimes referred to as twins, such that each halfedge pair represent an edge
 CArrangementDcelFaceA face record in a DCEL data structure. A face represents a region, which may have outer and inner boundaries. A boundary conists of a chain of incident halfedges, referred to as a Connected Component of the Boundary (CCB). A face may be unbounded. Otherwise, it has one or more outer CCBs. A face may also be bounded by inner CCBs, and it may contain isolated vertices in its interior. A planar face may have only one outer CCBs and its inner CCBs are referred to as holes
 CArrangementDcelHalfedgeA halfedge record in a DCEL data structure. Two halfedges with opposite directions always form an edge (a halfedge pair). The halfedges form together chains, defining the boundaries of connected components, such that all halfedges along a chain have the same incident face. Note that the chain the halfedge belongs to may form the outer boundary of a bounded face (an outer CCB) or the boundary of a hole inside a face (an inner CCB)
 CArrangementDcelInnerCcbA hole record in a Dcel data structure, which stores the face that contains the hole in its interior, along with an iterator for the hole in the holes' container of this face
 CArrangementDcelIsolatedVertexAn isolated vertex-information record in a DCEL data structure, which stores the face that contains the isolated vertex in its interior, along with an iterator for the isolated vertex in the isolated vertices' container of this face
 CArrangementDcelOuterCcbA hole record in a DCEL data structure, which stores the face that contains the hole in its interior, along with an iterator for the hole in the holes' container of this face
 CArrangementDcelVertexA vertex record in a DCEL data structure. A vertex is always associated with a point. However, the vertex record only stores a pointer to the associated point, and the actual Point object is stored elsewhere
 CArrangementDcelWithRebindThe concept ArrangementDcelWithRebind refines the ArrangementDcel concept by adding a policy clone idiom in form of a rebind struct-template
 CArrangementHorizontalSideTraits_2ArrangementHorizontalSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach either the bottom or top sizeds of the boundary of the parameter space. (An "abstract" concept is a concept that is useless on its own.) Only a combination of this concept and one or more concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the remaining boundary sides (that is, left and right) are purposeful, and can have models
 CArrangementIdentifiedHorizontalTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementIdentifiedHorizontalTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is identified on the bottom and top sides and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach these boundary sides
 CArrangementIdentifiedVerticalTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementIdentifiedVerticalTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is identified on the left and right sides and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach these boundary sides
 CArrangementInputFormatterA model for the ArrangementInputFormatter concept supports a set of functions that enable reading an arrangement from an input stream using a specific format
 CArrangementLandmarkTraits_2The concept ArrangementLandmarkTraits_2 refines the traits concepts ArrangementApproximateTraits_2 and ArrangementConstructXMonotoneCurveTraits_2. The type of an arrangement associated with the landmark point-location strategy (see CGAL::Arr_landmarks_point_location) must be an instance of the CGAL::Arrangement_2<Traits,Dcel> class template, where the Traits parameter is substituted by a model of this concept
 CArrangementLeftSideTraits_2ArrangementLeftSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the left boundary side of the parameter space. (An "abstract" concept is a concept that is useless on its own.) Only a combination of this concept and additional concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the remaining boundary sides (that is, right, bottom, and top) are purposeful, and can have models
 CArrangementOpenBottomTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementOpenBottomTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is open on the bottom side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the bottom boundary side when it is open
 CArrangementOpenBoundaryTraits_2Several predicates are required to handle \( x\)-monotone curves that approach infinity and thus approach the boundary of the parameter space. These predicates are sufficient to handle not only curves embedded in an unbounded parameter space, but also curves embedded in a bounded parameter space with open boundaries. Models of the concept ArrangementOpenBoundaryTraits_2 handle curves that approach the boundary of a parameter space. This concept refines the concept ArrangementBasicTraits_2. The arrangement template instantiated with a traits class that models this concept can handle \( x\)-monotone curves that are unbounded in any direction. The concept ArrangementOpenBoundaryTraits_2, nonetheless, also supports planar \( x\)-monotone curves that reach the boundary of an open yet bounded parameter space
 CArrangementOpenLeftTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementOpenLeftTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is open on the left side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the left boundary side when it is open
 CArrangementOpenRightTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementOpenRightTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is open on the right side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the right boundary side when it is open
 CArrangementOpenTopTraits_2A model of the concept ArrangementOpenTopTraits_2 must be used when the parameter space of the surface, the arrangement is embedded on, is open on the top side and curves inserted into the arrangement are expected to reach this boundary side. A model of this concept can handle curves that reach the top boundary side when it is open
 CArrangementOutputFormatterA model for the ArrangementOutputFormatter concept supports a set of functions that enable writing an arrangement to an output stream using a specific format
 CArrangementPointLocation_2A model of the ArrangementPointLocation_2 concept can answer point-location queries on an arrangement attached to it. Namely, given a Arrangement_2::Point_2 object, representing a point in the plane, it returns the arrangement cell containing it. In the general case, the query point is contained inside an arrangement face, but in degenerate situations it may lie on an edge or coincide with an arrangement vertex
 CArrangementRightSideTraits_2ArrangementRightSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the right boundary side of the parameter space. (An "abstract" concept is a concept that is useless on its own.) Only a combination of this concept and additional concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the remaining boundary sides (that is, left, bottom, and top) are purposeful, and can have models
 CArrangementSphericalBoundaryTraits_2Models of the concept ArrangementSphericalBoundaryTraits_2 handle curves on a sphere or a surface that is topological equivalent to a sphere. The sphere is oriented in such a way that the boundary of the rectangular parameter space, the sphere is the mapping of which, is identified on the left and right sides and contracted at the top and bottom sides
 CArrangementTopologyTraitsA geometry traits class encapsulates the definitions of the geometric entities and implements the geometric predicates and constructions needed by instances of the CGAL::Arrangement_on_surface_2 class template and by the peripheral algorithms that operate on objects of such instances. Essentially, it maintains the doubly-connected connected edge list (DCEL) used by the arrangement
 CArrangementTopSideTraits_2ArrangementTopSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the top boundary side of the parameter space. (An "abstract" concept is a concept that is useless on its own.) Only a combination of this concept and additional concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the remaining boundary sides (that is, left, right, and bottom) are purposeful, and can have models
 CArrangementTraits_2The concept ArrangementTraits_2 allows the construction of arrangement of general planar curves. Models of this concept are used by the free CGAL::insert() functions of the arrangement package and by the CGAL::Arrangement_with_history_2 class
 CArrangementVerticalRayShoot_2A model of the ArrangementVerticalRayShoot_2 concept can answer vertical ray-shooting queries on an arrangement attached to it. Namely, given a Arrangement_2::Point_2 object, representing a point in the plane, it returns the arrangement feature (edge or vertex) that lies strictly above it (or below it). By "strictly" we mean that if the query point lies on an arrangement edge (or on an arrangement vertex) this edge will not be the query result, but the feature lying above or below it. (An exception to this rule is the degenerate case where the query point lies in the interior of a vertical edge.) Note that it may happen that the query point lies above the upper envelope (or below the lower envelope) of the arrangement, and the vertical ray emanating from the query point goes to infinity without hitting any arrangement feature on its way. In this case the unbounded face is returned
 CArrangementVerticalSideTraits_2ArrangementVerticalSideTraits_2 is an abstract concept. It generalizes all concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach either the left or right sizeds of the boundary of the parameter space. (An "abstract" concept is a concept that is useless on its own.) Only a combination of this concept and one or more concepts that handle curves that either reach or approach the remaining boundary sides (that is, bottom and top) are purposeful, and can have models
 CArrangementWithHistoryInputFormatterA model for the ArrangementWithHistoryInputFormatter concept supports a set of functions that enable reading an arrangement-with-history instance from an input stream using a specific format
 CArrangementWithHistoryOutputFormatterA model for the ArrangementWithHistoryOutputFormatter concept supports a set of functions that enable writing an arrangement-with-history instance to an output stream using a specific format
 CArrangementXMonotoneTraits_2The concept ArrangementXMonotoneTraits_2 refines the basic arrangement-traits concept. A model of this concept is able to handle \( x\)-monotone curves that intersect in their interior (and points that coincide with curve interiors). This is necessary for constructing arrangements of sets of intersecting \( x\)-monotone curves
 COverlayTraitsA model for the OverlayTraits should be able to operate on records (namely, vertices, halfedges and faces) of two input DCEL classes, named Dcel_A and Dcel_B, and construct the records of an output DCEL class, referred to as Dcel_R