CGAL 6.0.1 - 2D Minkowski Sums
▼NCGAL | |
CGreene_convex_decomposition_2 | The Greene_convex_decomposition_2 class implements the approximation algorithm of Greene for the decomposition of an input polygon into convex sub-polygons [6] |
CHertel_Mehlhorn_convex_decomposition_2 | The Hertel_Mehlhorn_convex_decomposition_2 class implements the approximation algorithm of Hertel and Mehlhorn for decomposing a polygon into convex sub-polygons [8] |
COptimal_convex_decomposition_2 | The Optimal_convex_decomposition_2 class provides an implementation of Greene's dynamic programming algorithm for optimal decomposition of a polygon into convex sub-polygons [6] |
CPolygon_nop_decomposition_2 | The Polygon_nop_decomposition_2 class implements a convex decomposition of a polygon, which merely passes the input polygon to the list of output convex polygons |
CPolygon_triangulation_decomposition_2 | The Polygon_triangulation_decomposition_2 class implements a convex decomposition of a polygon or a polygon with holes into triangles using the Delaunay constrained triangulation functionality of the 2D Triangulation package |
CPolygon_vertical_decomposition_2 | The Polygon_vertical_decomposition_2 class implements a convex decomposition of a polygon or a polygon with holes into pseudo trapezoids utilizing the CGAL::decompose() free function of the 2D Arrangements package |
CSmall_side_angle_bisector_decomposition_2 | The Small_side_angle_bisector_decomposition_2 class implements a simple yet efficient heuristic for decomposing an input polygon into convex sub-polygons |
CPolygonConvexDecomposition_2 | A model of the PolygonConvexDecomposition_2 concept is capable of decomposing an input polygon P into a set of convex sub-polygons P_1, \ldots, P_k, such that \cup_{i=1}^{k}{P_k} = P |
CPolygonWithHolesConvexDecomposition_2 | A model of the PolygonWithHolesConvexDecomposition_2 concept is capable of decomposing an input polygon P, which may have holes, into a set of convex sub-polygons P_1, \ldots, P_k, such that \cup_{i=1}^{k}{P_k} = P |