CGAL 6.0.1 - Polygon Mesh Processing
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
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 CDefault_visitorDefault hole filling visitor model of PMPHolefillingVisitor
 CDefault_visitorDefault new face visitor model of PMPTriangulateFaceVisitor
 CDefault_visitorDefault new polygon visitor model of PMPTriangulateFaceVisitor
 CAdaptive_sizing_fieldSizing field describing variable target mesh edge lengths for CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::isotropic_remeshing()
 CDefault_orientation_visitorDefault visitor model of PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor
 CPrincipal_curvatures_and_directionsStruct for storing principal curvatures and directions
 CUniform_sizing_fieldSizing field describing a uniform target edge length for CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::isotropic_remeshing()
 CPolygon_mesh_slicerFunction object that computes the intersection of a plane with a triangulated surface mesh
 CPolyhedral_envelopeThis class can be used to check if a query point, segment, or triangle is inside or outside a polyhedral envelope of a set of triangles, constructed for a given \( \epsilon \) distance tolerance
 CRigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detectionThis class provides methods to perform some intersection tests between triangle meshes that undergo affine transformations (rotation, translation, and scaling)
 CSide_of_triangle_meshThis class provides an efficient point location functionality with respect to a domain bounded by one or several disjoint closed triangle meshes
 CPMPAutorefinementVisitorThe concept PMPAutorefinementVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::autorefine_triangle_soup() to track the creation of new triangles
 CPMPCorefinementVisitorThe concept PMPCorefinementVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in corefinement-related functions to track the creation of new faces and new edges
 CPMPDistanceTraitsThe concept PMPDistanceTraits is a refinement of the concepts AABBGeomTraits_3 and SpatialSortingTraits_3. In addition to the types required by those concepts, it also requires types and functors needed by the functions approximate_max_distance_to_point_set(), sample_triangle_mesh(), approximate_Hausdorff_distance() and max_distance_to_triangle_mesh()
 CPMPHolefillingVisitorThe concept PMPHolefillingVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in hole-filling-related functions . The hole filling may use a 2D constrained triangulation for almost planar holes (planar phase). If that is not appropriate or fails it may use an algorithm with a quadratic running time relying on the 3D Delaunay triangulation (quadratic phase). If that fails, it uses an algorithm with cubic running time (cubic phase)
 CPMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitorThe concept PMPPolygonSoupOrientationVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::orient_polygon_soup() to track the detection of non-manifold simplices and the modifications performed to polygons during the orientation process
 CPMPSelfIntersectionTraitsGeometric traits concept for the functions CGAL::self_intersections() and CGAL::does_self_intersect()
 CPMPSizingFieldThe concept PMPSizingField defines the requirements for the sizing field used in CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::isotropic_remeshing() to define the target length for every individual edge during the remeshing process
 CPMPTriangulateFaceVisitorThe concept PMPTriangulateFaceVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in triangulation-related functions to track the creation of new faces