CGAL 6.0.1 - 3D Skin Surface Meshing
▼NCGAL | |
CSkin_surface_3 | The Skin_surface_3 is the main class in this package |
CSkin_surface_polyhedral_items_3 | An items class for the Polyhedron_3 that stores information in faces instead of an auxiliary data structure |
CSkin_surface_traits_3 | The class Skin_surface_traits_3 is designed as a default traits class for the class Skin_surface_3<SkinSurfaceTraits_3> |
CUnion_of_balls_3 | The Union_of_balls_3 is used to represent a skin surface with shrink factor equal to one, which is the boundary of the union of the input balls |
CSkinSurface_3 | The concept SkinSurface_3 defines a skin surface and provides an interface for the dedicated skin surface mesher. The concept requires a constructor from an iterator range of weighted points and a shrink factor. By default the input balls are grown in such that the skin surface wraps around the input balls |
CSkinSurfaceTraits_3 | Required types and member functions for the SkinSurfaceTraits_3 concept. This geometric traits concept is used for the construction of a polyhedral mesh approximating a skin surface CGAL::Skin_surface_3 |