CGAL 4.10.2 - Linear and Quadratic Programming Solver
CGAL | |
Linear_program_from_iterators | An object of class Linear_program_from_iterators describes a linear program of the form |
Nonnegative_linear_program_from_iterators | An object of class Nonnegative_linear_program_from_iterators describes a linear program of the form |
Nonnegative_quadratic_program_from_iterators | An object of class Nonnegative_quadratic_program_from_iterators describes a convex quadratic program of the form |
Quadratic_program_from_iterators | An object of class Quadratic_program_from_iterators describes a convex quadratic program of the form |
Quadratic_program_from_mps | An object of class Quadratic_program_from_mps describes a convex quadratic program of the general form |
Quadratic_program | \( \newcommand{\qprel}{\gtreqless} \newcommand{\qpx}{\mathbf{x}} \newcommand{\qpl}{\mathbf{l}} \newcommand{\qpu}{\mathbf{u}} \newcommand{\qpc}{\mathbf{c}} \newcommand{\qpb}{\mathbf{b}} \newcommand{\qpy}{\mathbf{y}} \newcommand{\qpw}{\mathbf{w}} \newcommand{\qplambda}{\mathbf{\lambda}} \) |
Quadratic_program_options | This is a class used for passing options to the linear and quadratic programming solvers |
Quadratic_program_solution | An object of class Quadratic_program_solution represents the solution of a linear or convex quadratic program of the general form |
LinearProgram | A model of LinearProgram describes a linear program of the form |
MPSFormat | MPS is a commonly used file format for storing linear and quadratic programs according to the concepts QuadraticProgram , LinearProgram , NonnegativeQuadraticProgram , and NonnegativeLinearProgram , see also |
NonnegativeLinearProgram | A model of NonnegativeLinearProgram describes a linear program of the form |
NonnegativeQuadraticProgram | A model of NonnegativeQuadraticProgram describes a convex quadratic program of the form |
QuadraticProgram | A model of QuadraticProgram describes a convex quadratic program of the form |