boost | |
CGAL | |
Protect_FPU_rounding | The class Protect_FPU_rounding allows to reduce the number of rounding mode changes when evaluating sequences of interval arithmetic operations |
Set_ieee_double_precision | The class Set_ieee_double_precision provides a mechanism to set the correct 53 bits precision for a block of code |
Gmpfi | An object of the class Gmpfi is a closed interval, with endpoints represented as Gmpfr floating-point numbers |
Gmpfr | An object of the class Gmpfr is a fixed precision floating-point number, based on the Mpfr library |
Gmpq | An object of the class Gmpq is an arbitrary precision rational number based on the Gmp library |
Gmpz | An object of the class Gmpz is an arbitrary precision integer based on the Gmp Library |
Gmpzf | An object of the class Gmpzf is a multiple-precision floating-point number which can represent numbers of the form \( m*2^e\), where \( m\) is an arbitrary precision integer based on the Gmp library, and \( e\) is of type long |
Interval_nt | The class Interval_nt provides an interval arithmetic number type |
Lazy_exact_nt | An object of the class Lazy_exact_nt<NT> is able to represent any real embeddable number which NT is able to represent |
MP_Float | An object of the class MP_Float is able to represent a floating point value with arbitrary precision |
Mpzf | An object of the class Mpzf is a multiple-precision floating-point number which can represent numbers of the form \( m*2^e\), where \( m\) is an arbitrary precision integer based on the GMP library, and \( e\) is of type int |
NT_converter | A number type converter usable as default, for Cartesian_converter and Homogeneous_converter |
Number_type_checker | Number_type_checker is a number type whose instances store two numbers of types NT1 and NT2 |
Quotient | An object of the class Quotient<NT> is an element of the field of quotients of the integral domain type NT |
Rational_traits | The class Rational_traits can be used to determine the type of the numerator and denominator of a rational number type as Quotient , Gmpq , mpq_class or leda_rational |
Root_of_traits | For a RealEmbeddable IntegralDomain RT , the class template Root_of_traits<RT> associates a type Root_of_2 , which represents algebraic numbers of degree 2 over RT |
Sqrt_extension | An instance of this class represents an extension of the type NT by one square root of the type ROOT |
Is_valid | Not all values of a type need to be valid |
Max | The function object class Max returns the larger of two values |
Min | The function object class Min returns the smaller of two values |
CORE | |
BigFloat | The class CORE::BigFloat is a variable precision floating-point type |
BigInt | The class CORE::BigInt provides exact computation in \( \Z\) |
BigRat | The class CORE::BigRat provides exact computation in \( \Q\) |
Expr | The class CORE::Expr provides exact computation over the subset of real numbers that contains integers, and which is closed by the operations \( +,-,\times,/,\sqrt{}\) and \(\sqrt[k]{}\) |
leda_bigfloat | The class leda_bigfloat is a wrapper class that provides the functions needed to use the number type bigfloat |
leda_integer | The class leda_integer provides exact computation in \( \Z\) |
leda_rational | The class leda_rational provides exact computation in \( \mathbb{Q}\) |
leda_real | The class leda_real is a wrapper class that provides the functions needed to use the number type real , representing exact real numbers numbers provided by LEDA |
mpq_class | The class mpq_class is an exact multiprecision rational number type, provided by Gmp |
mpz_class | The class mpz_class is an exact multiprecision integer number type, provided by Gmp |
RootOf_2 | Concept to represent algebraic numbers of degree up to 2 over a RealEmbeddable IntegralDomain RT |