\( \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \) \( \newcommand{\A}{\mathrm{A}} \) \( \newcommand{\R}{\mathrm{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\N}{\mathrm{N}} \) \( \newcommand{\Q}{\mathrm{Q}} \) \( \newcommand{\Z}{\mathrm{Z}} \) \( \def\ccSum #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} } \def\ccProd #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} }\)
CGAL 4.11.3 - 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations
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CGAL Namespace Reference




class  Aff_transformation_2
class  Aff_transformation_3
class  Identity_transformation
class  Reflection
class  Rotation
class  Scaling
class  Translation
class  Bbox_2
class  Bbox_3
class  Cartesian
class  Cartesian_converter
class  Circle_2
class  Circle_3
class  Ambient_dimension
class  Dimension_tag
class  Dynamic_dimension_tag
class  Feature_dimension
class  Direction_2
class  Direction_3
class  Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel
class  Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_kth_root
class  Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_root_of
class  Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel_with_sqrt
class  Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel
class  Filtered_kernel_adaptor
class  Filtered_kernel
class  Filtered_predicate
class  Homogeneous
class  Homogeneous_converter
class  Iso_cuboid_3
class  Iso_rectangle_2
class  Kernel_traits
class  Line_2
class  Line_3
class  Null_vector
class  Origin
class  Plane_3
class  Point_2
class  Point_3
class  Projection_traits_xy_3
class  Projection_traits_xz_3
class  Projection_traits_yz_3
class  Ray_2
class  Ray_3
class  Segment_2
class  Segment_3
class  Simple_cartesian
class  Simple_homogeneous
class  Sphere_3
class  Tetrahedron_3
class  Triangle_2
class  Triangle_3
class  Vector_2
class  Vector_3
class  Weighted_point_2
class  Weighted_point_3
struct  Construct_array
class  CC_safe_handle
class  Compact_container_base
class  Compact_container
class  Compact_container_traits
class  Compact
class  Fast
class  Concurrent_compact_container_traits
class  Concurrent_compact_container
class  Default
class  Fourtuple
class  Cast_function_object
class  Compare_to_less
class  Creator_1
class  Creator_2
class  Creator_3
class  Creator_4
class  Creator_5
class  Creator_uniform_2
class  Creator_uniform_3
class  Creator_uniform_4
class  Creator_uniform_5
class  Creator_uniform_6
class  Creator_uniform_7
class  Creator_uniform_8
class  Creator_uniform_9
class  Creator_uniform_d
class  Dereference
class  Get_address
class  Identity
class  Project_facet
class  Project_next
class  Project_next_opposite
class  Project_normal
class  Project_opposite_prev
class  Project_plane
class  Project_point
class  Project_prev
class  Project_vertex
class  In_place_list_base
class  In_place_list
class  Const_oneset_iterator
class  Counting_iterator
class  Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator
class  Dispatch_output_iterator
class  Emptyset_iterator
class  Filter_iterator
class  Insert_iterator
class  Inverse_index
class  Join_input_iterator_1
class  Join_input_iterator_2
class  Join_input_iterator_3
class  N_step_adaptor
class  Oneset_iterator
class  Random_access_adaptor
class  Random_access_value_adaptor
class  Iterator_range
class  Location_policy
class  Multiset
class  Object
class  Sixtuple
class  Spatial_lock_grid_3
class  Boolean_tag
struct  Null_functor
struct  Sequential_tag
struct  Parallel_tag
class  Null_tag
class  Threetuple
class  Twotuple
class  Uncertain
class  Quadruple
class  Triple
struct  value_type_traits
struct  value_type_traits< std::back_insert_iterator< Container > >
struct  value_type_traits< std::insert_iterator< Container > >
struct  value_type_traits< std::front_insert_iterator< Container > >
class  Algebraic_structure_traits
class  Euclidean_ring_tag
class  Field_tag
class  Field_with_kth_root_tag
class  Field_with_root_of_tag
class  Field_with_sqrt_tag
class  Integral_domain_tag
class  Integral_domain_without_division_tag
class  Unique_factorization_domain_tag
class  Coercion_traits
class  Fraction_traits
class  Real_embeddable_traits
class  Circulator_from_container
class  Circulator_from_iterator
class  Circulator_traits
class  Container_from_circulator
struct  Circulator_tag
struct  Iterator_tag
struct  Forward_circulator_tag
struct  Bidirectional_circulator_tag
struct  Random_access_circulator_tag
struct  Circulator_base
struct  Forward_circulator_base
struct  Bidirectional_circulator_base
struct  Random_access_circulator_base
class  Forward_circulator_ptrbase
class  Bidirectional_circulator_ptrbase
class  Random_access_circulator_ptrbase
class  Color
class  Input_rep
class  Output_rep
class  Istream_iterator
class  Ostream_iterator
class  Verbose_ostream
class  Extended_cartesian
class  Extended_homogeneous
class  Filtered_extended_homogeneous
class  Nef_polyhedron_2
class  Arr_accessor
class  Arr_algebraic_segment_traits_2
class  Arr_Bezier_curve_traits_2
class  Arr_circle_segment_traits_2
class  Arr_circular_arc_traits_2
class  Arr_circular_line_arc_traits_2
class  Arr_conic_traits_2
class  Arr_consolidated_curve_data_traits_2
class  Arr_curve_data_traits_2
class  Arr_dcel_base
class  Arr_default_dcel
class  Arr_default_overlay_traits
class  Arr_face_overlay_traits
class  Arr_extended_dcel
class  Arr_extended_face
class  Arr_extended_halfedge
class  Arr_extended_vertex
class  Arr_face_extended_dcel
class  Arr_face_index_map
class  Arr_landmarks_point_location
class  Arr_line_arc_traits_2
class  Arr_linear_traits_2
class  Arr_naive_point_location
class  Arr_non_caching_segment_basic_traits_2
class  Arr_non_caching_segment_traits_2
class  Arr_observer
class  Arr_point_location_result
class  Arr_polycurve_traits_2
class  Arr_polyline_traits_2
class  Arr_rational_function_traits_2
class  Arr_segment_traits_2
class  Arr_oblivious_side_tag
class  Arr_open_side_tag
class  Arr_trapezoid_ric_point_location
class  Arr_vertex_index_map
class  Arr_walk_along_line_point_location
class  Arrangement_2
class  Arrangement_with_history_2
class  Arr_extended_dcel_text_formatter
class  Arr_face_extended_text_formatter
class  Arr_text_formatter
class  Arr_with_history_text_formatter
class  Polygon_2
class  Polygon_with_holes_2
class  General_polygon_with_holes_2
class  Protect_FPU_rounding
class  Set_ieee_double_precision
class  Gmpfi
class  Gmpfr
class  Gmpq
class  Gmpz
class  Gmpzf
class  Interval_nt
class  Lazy_exact_nt
class  MP_Float
class  Mpzf
class  NT_converter
class  Number_type_checker
class  Quotient
class  Rational_traits
class  Root_of_traits
class  Sqrt_extension
class  Is_valid
class  Max
class  Min
class  Gps_face_base
 An instance of this template serves as a basis type for any face record of the Dcel class used by instances of the General_polygon_set_2 and General_polygon_with_holes_2 class templates. More...
class  Gps_halfedge_base
 An instance of this teplate serves as a basis type for any halfedge record of the Dcel class used by instances of the General_polygon_set_2andGeneral_polygon_with_holes_2` class templates. More...
class  Gps_default_dcel
 The default Dcel class template used by the General_polygon_set_2 and General_polygon_with_holes_2 class templates. More...
class  General_polygon_2
 The class General_polygon_2 models the concept GeneralPolygon_2. More...
class  General_polygon_set_2
 An object of the General_polygon_set_2 class-template represents a point set in the plane bounded by \( x\) monotone curves. More...
class  Gps_circle_segment_traits_2
 The traits class Gps_circle_segment_traits_2 models the GeneralPolygonSetTraits_2 concept. More...
class  Gps_segment_traits_2
class  Gps_traits_2
 The traits class Gps_traits_2 models the concept GeneralPolygonSetTraits_2. More...
class  Polygon_set_2
 The class Polygon_set_2 represents sets of linear polygons with holes. More...


template<class Kernel , class Container >
void complement (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &pgn, Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &res)
 writes the complement of the polygon pgn into the polygon with holes res.
template<class Traits >
void complement (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &pgn, General_polygon_with_holes_2< Traits > &res)
 writes the complement of the general polygon pgn into the general polygon with holes res.
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator complement (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &pgn, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the complement of the polygon with holes pgn into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator complement (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &pgn, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the complement of the general polygon with holes pgn into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator difference (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the difference of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator difference (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the difference of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator difference (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the difference of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator difference (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the difference of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator difference (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the difference of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator difference (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the difference of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator difference (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the difference of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Polygon , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator difference (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the difference of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container >
bool do_intersect (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2)
 returns true if the polygons p1 and p2 intersect in their interior.
template<class Kernel , class Container >
bool do_intersect (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2)
 returns true if the polygons p1 and p2 intersect in their interior.
template<class Kernel , class Container >
bool do_intersect (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2)
 returns true if the polygons p1 and p2 intersect in their interior. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container >
bool do_intersect (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2)
 returns true if the polygons p1 and p2 intersect in their interior.
template<class Traits >
bool do_intersect (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2)
 returns true if the general polygons p1 and p2 intersect in their interior.
template<class Traits >
bool do_intersect (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p2)
 returns true if the general polygons p1 and p2 intersect in their interior.
template<class Traits >
bool do_intersect (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2)
 returns true if the general polygons p1 and p2 intersect in their interior.
template<class Polygon >
bool do_intersect (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p2)
 returns true if the general polygons p1 and p2 intersect in their interior.
template<class InputIterator >
bool do_intersect (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
 returns true, if the set of general polygons (or general polygons with holes) in the given range intersect in their interior, and false otherwise. More...
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 >
bool do_intersect (InputIterator1 pgn_begin1, InputIterator1 pgn_end1, InputIterator2 pgn_begin2, InputIterator2 pgn_end2)
 returns true, if the set of general polygons and general polygons with holes in the given two ranges respectively intersect in their interior, and false otherwise.
OutputIterator intersection (const Type1 &p1, const Type2 &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class Polygon , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
 writes the intersection of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the output iterator oi. More...
template<class InputIterator , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, OutputIterator oi)
 computes the intersection of the general polygons (or general polygons with holes) in the given range. More...
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator intersection (InputIterator1 pgn_begin1, InputIterator1 pgn_end1, InputIterator2 pgn_begin2, InputIterator2 pgn_end2, OutputIterator oi)
 computes the intersection of the general polygons and general polygons with holes in the given two ranges. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container >
bool join (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > > &res)
 writes the union of the polygons p1 and p2 into the polygon with holes res. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container >
bool join (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > > &res)
 writes the union of the polygons p1 and p2 into the polygon with holes res. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container >
bool join (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > > &res)
 writes the union of the polygons p1 and p2 into the polygon with holes res. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container >
bool join (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > > &res)
 writes the union of the polygons p1 and p2 into the polygon with holes res. More...
template<class Traits >
bool join (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2, General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &res)
 writes the union of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the polygon with holes res. More...
template<class Traits >
bool join (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p2, General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &res)
 writes the union of the polygons p1 and p2 into the polygon with holes res. More...
template<class Traits >
bool join (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p2, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &res)
 writes the union of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the polygon with holes res. More...
template<class Polygon >
bool join (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p2, Traits::Polygon_with_holes_2 &res)
 writes the union of the general polygons p1 and p2 into the polygon with holes res. More...
template<class InputIterator , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator join (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, OutputIterator oi)
 computes the union of the general polygons (or general polygons with holes) in the given range. More...
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator join (InputIterator1 pgn_begin1, InputIterator1 pgn_end1, InputIterator2 pgn_begin2, InputIterator2 pgn_end2, OutputIterator oi)
 computes the union of the general polygons and general polygons with holes in the given two ranges. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container >
Oriented_side oriented_side (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2)
template<class Kernel , class Container >
Oriented_side oriented_side (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2)
template<class Kernel , class Container >
Oriented_side oriented_side (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2)
template<class Kernel , class Container >
Oriented_side oriented_side (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2)
template<class Traits >
Oriented_side oriented_side (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2)
template<class Traits >
Oriented_side oriented_side (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p2)
template<class Traits >
Oriented_side oriented_side (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2)
template<class Polygon >
Oriented_side oriented_side (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p2)
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const Type1 &p1, const Type2 &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p1, const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p1, const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class Traits , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const General_polygon_2< Traits > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< General_polygon_2< Traits > > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class Polygon , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p1, const General_polygon_with_holes_2< Polygon > &p2, OutputIterator oi)
template<class InputIterator , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, OutputIterator oi)
 computes the symmetric difference of the general polygons (or general polygons with holes) in the given range. More...
template<class InputIterator1 , class InputIterator2 , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator symmetric_difference (InputIterator1 pgn_begin1, InputIterator1 pgn_end1, InputIterator2 pgn_begin2, InputIterator2 pgn_end2, OutputIterator oi)
 computes the symmetric difference of the general polygons and general polygons with holes in the given two ranges. More...
template<class Kernel , class Container , class OutputIterator >
OutputIterator connect_holes (const Polygon_with_holes_2< Kernel, Container > &pwh, OutputIterator oi)
 Connects the holes of pwh with its outer boundary. More...