\( \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \) \( \newcommand{\A}{\mathrm{A}} \) \( \newcommand{\R}{\mathrm{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\N}{\mathrm{N}} \) \( \newcommand{\Q}{\mathrm{Q}} \) \( \newcommand{\Z}{\mathrm{Z}} \) \( \def\ccSum #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} } \def\ccProd #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} }\)
CGAL 4.13 - Point Set Shape Detection
Point Set Shape Detection Reference

Sven Oesau, Yannick Verdie, Clément Jamin, Pierre Alliez, Florent Lafarge, Simon Giraudot
This component implements two primitive shape detection algorithms: efficient RANSAC and region growing. Planes are detected from point sets with unoriented normals. RANSAC also handles the following shapes: sphere, cylinder, cone and torus. Other types of shapes can be detected through implementing a class deriving from the base shape class.

Introduced in: CGAL 4.7
BibTeX: cgal:ovja-pssd-18b
License: GPL
Windows Demo: Polyhedron demo
Common Demo Dlls: dlls

Classified Reference Pages


Main Classes

Shape Interface

Shape Classes


Property Maps




file  Shape_detection_3.h
 Convenience header file including the headers of this package.
file  regularize_planes.h


class  CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Efficient_RANSAC< Traits >
 A shape detection algorithm using a RANSAC method. More...
class  CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Region_growing< Traits >
 A shape detection algorithm using a region growing method. More...
struct  CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Shape_detection_traits< Gt, InputRange, InputPointMap, InputNormalMap >
 Default traits class to use the shape detection class Efficient_RANSAC. More...
class  CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Point_to_shape_index_map< Traits >
 Property map that associate a point index to its assigned shape found by a shape detection algorithm (such as CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Efficient_RANSAC or CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Region_growing). More...
class  CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Plane_map< Traits >
 Property map that associates a detected plane object (CGAL::Shape_detection_3::Plane) to a CGAL::Plane_3 object. More...


template<typename PointRange , typename PointMap , typename PlaneRange , typename PlaneMap , typename IndexMap , typename Kernel >
void CGAL::regularize_planes (const PointRange &points, PointMap point_map, PlaneRange &planes, PlaneMap plane_map, IndexMap index_map, const Kernel &, bool regularize_parallelism, bool regularize_orthogonality, bool regularize_coplanarity, bool regularize_axis_symmetry, double tolerance_angle=25.0, double tolerance_coplanarity=0.01, typename Kernel::Vector_3 symmetry_direction=typename Kernel::Vector_3(0., 0., 1.))
 Given a set of detected planes with their respective inlier sets, this function enables to regularize the planes: More...

Function Documentation

◆ regularize_planes()

template<typename PointRange , typename PointMap , typename PlaneRange , typename PlaneMap , typename IndexMap , typename Kernel >
void CGAL::regularize_planes ( const PointRange &  points,
PointMap  point_map,
PlaneRange &  planes,
PlaneMap  plane_map,
IndexMap  index_map,
const Kernel ,
bool  regularize_parallelism,
bool  regularize_orthogonality,
bool  regularize_coplanarity,
bool  regularize_axis_symmetry,
double  tolerance_angle = 25.0,
double  tolerance_coplanarity = 0.01,
typename Kernel::Vector_3  symmetry_direction = typename Kernel::Vector_3 (0., 0., 1.) 

#include <CGAL/regularize_planes.h>

Given a set of detected planes with their respective inlier sets, this function enables to regularize the planes:

  • Planes near parallel can be made exactly parallel.
  • Planes near orthogonal can be made exactly orthogonal.
  • Planes parallel and near coplanar can be made exactly coplanar.
  • Planes near symmetrical with a user-defined axis can be made exactly symmetrical.

Planes are directly modified. Points are left unaltered, as well as their relationships to planes (no transfer of point from a primitive plane to another).

The implementation follows [3].

Template Parameters
PointRangerange of points, model of ConstRange
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Kernel::Point_3. It can be omitted if the value type of the iterator of PointRange is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
PlaneRangerange of planes, model of Range
PlaneMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Kernel::Plane_3. It can be omitted if the value type of the iterator of PlaneRange is convertible to Plane_3<Kernel>.
IndexMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type int.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointMap.
pointsrange of points.
point_mapproperty map: value_type of typename PointRange::const_iterator -> Point_3
planesrange of planes.
plane_mapproperty map: value_type of typename PlaneRange::iterator -> Plane_3
index_mapproperty map: index of point std::size_t -> index of plane int (-1 if the point is not assigned to a plane)
regularize_parallelismSelect whether parallelism is regularized or not.
regularize_orthogonalitySelect whether orthogonality is regularized or not.
regularize_coplanaritySelect whether coplanarity is regularized or not.
regularize_axis_symmetrySelect whether axis symmetry is regularized or not.
tolerance_angleTolerance of deviation between normal vectors of planes (in degrees) used for parallelism, orthogonality and axis symmetry. Default value is 25 degrees.
tolerance_coplanarityMaximal distance between two parallel planes such that they are considered coplanar. Default value is 0.01.
symmetry_directionChosen axis for symmetry regularization. Default value is the Z axis.