CGAL 4.4 - 2D Conforming Triangulations and Meshes
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
[detail level 12]
|oCDelaunay_mesh_criteria_2The class Delaunay_mesh_criteria_2 is a model for the MeshingCriteria_2 concept
|oCDelaunay_mesh_face_base_2The class Delaunay_mesh_face_base_2 is a model for the concept DelaunayMeshFaceBase_2
|oCDelaunay_mesh_size_criteria_2The class Delaunay_mesh_size_criteria_2 is a model for the MeshingCriteria_2 concept
|oCDelaunay_mesher_2This class implements a 2D mesh generator
|\CTriangulation_conformer_2The class Triangulation_conformer_2 is an auxiliary class of Delaunay_mesher_2<CDT>
oCConformingDelaunayTriangulationTraits_2The concept ConformingDelaunayTriangulationTraits_2 refines the concept ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulationTraits_2 by providing a numeric field type FT, a type Vector_2 and several constructors on Vector_2, Point_2, and a predicate on angles. The field type has to be a model of the concept FieldWithSqrt. This field type and the constructors are used by the conforming algorithm to compute Steiner points on constrained edges
oCDelaunayMeshFaceBase_2The concept DelaunayMeshFaceBase_2 refines the concept TriangulationFaceBase_2. It adds two functions giving access to a Boolean marker, that indicates if the face is in the meshing domain or not
oCDelaunayMeshTraits_2The concept DelaunayMeshTraits_2 refines the concept ConformingDelaunayTriangulationTraits_2. It provides a construction object Construct_circumcenter_2
\CMeshingCriteria_2The concept MeshingCriteria_2 defines the meshing criteria to be used in the algorithm. It provides a predicate Is_bad that tests a triangle according to criteria. The return type of Is_bad is an enum Mesh_2::Face_badness