CGAL | |
  parameters | |
  Compact_mesh_cell_base_3 | The class Compact_mesh_cell_base_3<Gt, MD> is a model of the concept MeshCellBase_3 |
  Implicit_mesh_domain_3 | The class Implicit_mesh_domain_3 implements a domain whose bounding surface is described implicitly as the zero level set of a function |
  Labeled_image_mesh_domain_3 | The class Labeled_image_mesh_domain_3 implements a domain described by a 3D labeled image |
  Mesh_cell_base_3 | The class Mesh_cell_base_3<Gt, MD, Cb> is a model of the concept MeshCellBase_3 |
  Mesh_cell_criteria_3 | The class Mesh_cell_criteria_3 is a model of MeshCellCriteria_3 |
  Mesh_complex_3_in_triangulation_3 | The class Mesh_complex_3_in_triangulation_3 implements a data structure to store the 3D restricted Delaunay triangulation used by a mesh generation process |
  Mesh_constant_domain_field_3 | The class Mesh_constant_domain_field_3 is a model of concept MeshDomainField_3 |
  Mesh_criteria_3 | The class Mesh_criteria_3 is a model of both concepts MeshCriteria_3 and MeshCriteriaWithFeatures_3 |
  Mesh_domain_with_polyline_features_3 | The class Mesh_domain_with_polyline_features_3 is designed to allow the user to add some 0- and 1-dimensional features into any model of the MeshDomain_3 concept |
  Mesh_edge_criteria_3 | The function object class Mesh_edge_criteria_3 is a model of MeshEdgeCriteria_3 |
  Mesh_facet_criteria_3 | The class Mesh_facet_criteria_3 is a model of MeshFacetCriteria_3 |
  Mesh_polyhedron_3 | The class Mesh_polyhedron_3 provides a customized Polyhedron_3 type |
  Mesh_triangulation_3 | The class Mesh_triangulation_3 is a metafunctor which provides the triangulation type to be used for the 3D triangulation embedding the mesh |
  Mesh_vertex_base_3 | The class Mesh_vertex_base_3 is a model of the concept MeshVertexBase_3 |
  Polyhedral_mesh_domain_3 | The class Polyhedral_mesh_domain_3 implements a domain defined by a simplicial polyhedral surface |
  Polyhedral_mesh_domain_with_features_3 | The class Polyhedral_mesh_domain_with_features_3 implements a domain whose boundary is a simplicial polyhedral surface |
  Triangle_accessor_3 | The class Triangle_accessor_3 is a model for the concept TriangleAccessor_3 |
 BisectionGeometricTraits_3 | The concept BisectionGeometricTraits_3 describes a geometric traits class that provides the basic types and operations to implement a model of MeshDomain_3 based solely on intersection detections. Points in the non-empty intersections are herein computed by bisection |
 IntersectionGeometricTraits_3 | The concept IntersectionGeometricTraits_3 provides types and functors required to implement a model of MeshDomain_3 , when the domain is described by a simplicial surface mesh forming its boundary. The concept IntersectionGeometricTraits_3 mainly provides the detection and construction of intersections between segments and triangles |
 LabeledImage_3 | The concept LabeledImage_3 describes the requirements for the second template parameter of the class CGAL::Labeled_image_mesh_domain_3<Image,BGT> which represents mesh domains defined by 3D labeled images. A 3D labeled image is a 3D array of elements of an integral type Type . Type can be bool , char , short , int , or long (signed or not). Such an array is associated to a 3D axis-aligned regular grid, in R3. A cell of this grid is denoted by voxel. A voxel is an iso-cuboid of size vx() , vy() , and vz() |
 MeshCellBase_3 | The concept MeshCellBase_3 describes the requirements for the Cell type of the triangulation used in the 3D mesh generation process. The type MeshCellBase_3 refines the concept RegularTriangulationCellBase_3 . The concept MeshCellBase_3 includes a way to store and retrieve if a given cell of the triangulation is inside the domain or not and which subdomain it belongs to in case of a multi-domain |
 MeshCellCriteria_3 | The Delaunay refinement process involved in the template functions make_mesh_3() and refine_mesh_3() is guided by a set of elementary refinement criteria that concern either mesh tetrahedra or surface facets. The concept MeshCellCriteria_3 describes the types that handle the refinement criteria for mesh tetrahedra |
 MeshComplex_3InTriangulation_3 | The concept MeshComplex_3InTriangulation_3 describes a data structure to represent and maintain a 3D complex embedded in a 3D triangulation. More precisely, the concept MeshComplex_3InTriangulation_3 is a minimal version designed to represent 3D complexes that have only faces with dimension 2 and 3. Embedded 3D complexes with faces of dimension 0, 1, 2 and 3, are more conveniently represented by the refined concept MeshComplexWithFeatures_3InTriangulation_3 |
 MeshComplexWithFeatures_3InTriangulation_3 | The concept MeshComplexWithFeatures_3InTriangulation_3 describes a data structure to represent and maintain a 3D complex embedded in a 3D triangulation. The concept MeshComplexWithFeatures_3InTriangulation_3 refines the minimal concept MeshComplex_3InTriangulation_3 , designed to represent 3D complexes having only faces with dimension 2 and 3. Therefore, the concept MeshComplexWithFeatures_3InTriangulation_3 may represent embedded complexes including features, i.e. faces with dimension 0 and 1 |
 MeshCriteria_3 | The Delaunay refinement process involved in the template functions make_mesh_3() and refine_mesh_3() is guided by a set of elementary refinement criteria that concern either mesh tetrahedra or surface facets. The refinement criteria for tetrahedra are described through the concept MeshCellCriteria_3 while the refinement criteria for surface facets are described by the concept MeshFacetCriteria_3 . The concept MeshCriteria_3 encapsulates these concepts |
 MeshCriteriaWithFeatures_3 | The concept MeshCriteriaWithFeatures_3 refines the concept MeshCriteria_3 . The concept MeshCriteria_3 encapsulates the concepts MeshCellCriteria_3 and MeshFacetCriteria_3 describing the refinement criteria for, respectively, mesh cells and surface facets. For domains with features, the concept MeshCriteriaWithFeatures_3 additionnally encapsulates the concept MeshEdgeCriteria_3 , that describes the requirements, in terms of sizing, for the discretization of the domain 1-dimensional features |
 MeshDomain_3 | The concept MeshDomain_3 describes the knowledge required on the object to be discretized. The concept MeshDomain_3 is the concept to be used when the input domain does not have 0 or 1-dimensional features that need to be accurately approximated by the mesh. In such a case, the queries issued by the meshing process concern only the faces of the input domain with dimension 3 and 2, that are respectively called subdomains and surface patches |
 MeshDomainField_3 | The concept MeshDomainField_3 describes a scalar field which could be queried at any point of the space |
 MeshDomainWithFeatures_3 | The concept MeshDomainWithFeatures_3 refines the concept MeshDomain_3 . While the concept MeshDomain_3 only exposes the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional features of the domain through different queries, the concept MeshDomainWithFeatures_3 also exposes 0 and 1-dimensional features. The exposed features of the domain are respectively called subdomains, surface patches, curve segments and corners according to their respective dimensions 3,2,1 and 0 |
 MeshEdgeCriteria_3 | The function object concept MeshEdgeCriteria_3 is designed to drive the process which samples the 1-dimensional features of the domain. It provides an upper bound for the distance between two protecting ball centers that are consecutive on a 1-feature |
 MeshFacetCriteria_3 | The Delaunay refinement process involved in the template functions make_mesh_3() and refine_mesh_3() is guided by a set of elementary refinement criteria that concern either mesh tetrahedra or surface facets. The concept MeshFacetCriteria_3 describes the types that handle the refinement criteria for surface facets |
 MeshPolyline_3 | The concept MeshPolyline_3 implements a container of points designed to represent a polyline (i.e. a sequence of points). Types and functions provided in this concept are such as standard template library containers are natural models of this concept |
 MeshVertexBase_3 | The concept MeshVertexBase_3 describes the requirements for the Vertex type of the triangulation used by a 3D mesh generation process. The type MeshVertexBase_3 refines both the concept TriangulationVertexBase_3 and the concept SurfaceMeshVertexBase_3 . It provides additional members to store and retrieve information about the location of the vertex with respect to the input domain describing the domain to be discretized. More specifically, the concept MeshVertexBase_3 provides read-write access to an integer representing the dimension of the lowest dimensional face of the input 3D complex on which the vertex lies, and to an index characteristic of this face. The concept MeshVertexBase_3 provides storage and read-write access to a boolean, a FT value, and two Vertex_handle called 'intrusive' |
 TriangleAccessor_3 | The concept TriangleAccessor_3 represents an accessor to a triangulated polyhedral surface, intersection free and without boundaries |