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CGAL 4.4 - Approximation of Ridges and Umbilics on Triangulated Surface Meshes
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
[detail level 123]
|oCRidge_approximationThe class Ridge_approximation computes the approximation of ridges of a triangular polyhedral surface
|oCRidge_lineThe class Ridge_line stores the description of a ridge line
|oCVertex2Data_Property_Map_with_std_mapThe class Vertex2Data_Property_Map_with_std_map is a model of the concepts Vertex2FTPropertyMap and Vertex2VectorPropertyMap to be used for Ridge_approximation
|oCUmbilic_approximationThe class Umbilic_approximation computes the approximation of umbilics on a triangular polyhedral surface
|\CUmbilicThe class Umbilic stores the description of an umbilic
oCTriangulatedSurfaceMeshThe concept TriangulatedSurfaceMesh describes an oriented surface (possibly with boundary) embedded in the 3 space. It is combinatorially based on a halfedge data structure with triangular faces, geometrically 3d points associated to the vertices define the embedding
|oCFacetOpaque type representing a facet of the TriangulatedSurfaceMesh
|oCHalfedgeOpaque type representing a halfedge of the TriangulatedSurfaceMesh
|\CVertexOpaque type representing a vertex of the TriangulatedSurfaceMesh
oCVertex2FTPropertyMapThe concept Vertex2FTPropertyMap specializes the concept of LvaluePropertyMap. It is intended to be used in combination with the concept TriangulatedSurfaceMesh in the class CGAL::Ridge_approximation. It associates a field type value TriangulatedSurfaceMesh::Traits::FT to keys which are TriangulatedSurfaceMesh::Vertex_handle
\CVertex2VectorPropertyMapThe concept Vertex2VectorPropertyMap specializes the concept of LvaluePropertyMap. It is intended to be used in combination with the concept TriangulatedSurfaceMesh in the class CGAL::Ridge_approximation. It associates a three dimensional vector TriangulatedSurfaceMesh::Traits::Vector_3 to keys which are TriangulatedSurfaceMesh::Vertex_handle