CGAL 4.4 - Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification
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EdgeProfile Concept Reference


The concept EdgeProfile describes the requirements for a data structure that caches the local topology and geometry in the surroundings of an undirected edge.

This profile is used by the stop, cost and placement policies.

Has Models:


typedef unspecified_type ECM
 The type of the surface mesh to simplify. More...
boost::graph_traits< ECM >
 A Bgl vertex descriptor representing a vertex of the surface mesh.
boost::graph_traits< ECM >
 A Bgl edge descriptor representing an edge of the surface mesh.
< ECM >::Point 
 The point type for the surface mesh vertex. More...

Access Functions

vertex_descriptor v0 () const
 One of vertices of the edge to be collapsed.
vertex_descriptor v1 () const
 The other vertex of the edge to be collapsed.
edge_descriptor v0_v1 () const
 One of the directed edges corresponding to the undirected edge being collapsed.
edge_descriptor v1_v0 () const
 The other directed edge corresponding to the undirected edge being collapsed.
Point const & p0 () const
 The point of vertex v0.
Point const & p1 () const
 The point of vertex v1.
vertex_descriptor vL () const
 If v0v1 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the third vertex of that triangular face, a null descriptor otherwise.
edge_descriptor v1_vL () const
 If v0v1 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the directed edge from v1 to vL, a null descriptor otherwise.
edge_descriptor vL_v0 () const
 If v0v1 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the directed edge from vL to v0, a null descriptor otherwise.
vertex_descriptor vR () const
 If v1v0 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the third vertex of that triangular face, a null descriptor otherwise.
edge_descriptor v0_vR () const
 If v1v0 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the directed edge from v0 to vR, a null descriptor otherwise.
edge_descriptor vR_v1 () const
 If v1v0 belongs to a finite face (is not a border edge) the directed edge from vR to v1, a null descriptor otherwise.
std::vector< vertex_descriptorlink () const
 The unique sequence of the vertices around v0v1 in topological order (ccw or ccw depending on the relative ordering of v0 and v1 in the profile).
std::vector< edge_descriptorborder_edges () const
 The unique collection of the border directed edges incident upon v0 and v1.
bool left_face_exits () const
 Indicates if v0v1 belongs to a finite face of the surface mesh (i.e, v0v1 is not a border edge).
bool right_face_exits () const
 Indicates if v0v1 belongs to a finite face of the surface mesh (i.e, v1v0 is not a border edge).
const ECMsurface_mesh () const
 Returns the surface mesh the edge belongs to.

Member Typedef Documentation

The type of the surface mesh to simplify.

Must be a model of the EdgeCollapsableSurfaceMesh concept.

Member Data Documentation

CGAL::halfedge_graph_traits<ECM>::Point EdgeProfile::Point

The point type for the surface mesh vertex.

Must be a model of Point_3.