CGAL 4.5 - 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation (AABB Tree)
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
[detail level 123]
|oCAABB_face_graph_triangle_primitivePrimitive type for a facet of a polyhedral surface
|oCAABB_halfedge_graph_segment_primitivePrimitive type for a edge of a polyhedral surface
|oCAABB_primitiveGeneric primitive type
|oCAABB_segment_primitivePrimitive type that uses as identifier an iterator with a 3D segment as value_type
|oCAABB_traitsThis traits class handles any type of 3D geometric primitives provided that the proper intersection tests and constructions are implemented
||\CIntersection_and_primitive_idIntersection_and_primitive_id<Query>::Type::first_type is found according to the result type of GeomTraits::Intersect_3::operator(), (that is cpp11::result_of<GeomTraits::Intersect_3(Query, Primitive::Datum)>::type)
|oCAABB_treeClass AABB_tree is a static data structure for efficient intersection and distance computations in 3D
|\CAABB_triangle_primitivePrimitive type that uses as identifier an iterator with a 3D triangle as value_type
oCAABBGeomTraitsThe concept AABBGeomTraits defines the requirements for the first template parameter of the class CGAL::AABB_traits<AABBGeomTraits, AABBPrimitive>. It provides predicates and constructors to detect and compute intersections between query objects and the primitives stored in the AABB tree. In addition, it contains predicates and constructors to compute distances between a point query and the primitives stored in the AABB tree
oCAABBPrimitiveThe concept AABBPrimitive describes the requirements for the primitives stored in the AABB tree data structure. The concept encapsulates a type for the input datum (a geometric object) and an identifier (id) type through which those primitives are referred to. The concept AABBPrimitive also refines the concepts DefaultConstructible and Assignable
oCAABBPrimitiveWithSharedDataThe concept AABBPrimitiveWithSharedData describes the requirements for the primitives stored in the AABB tree data structure. The concept encapsulates a type for the input datum (a geometric object) and an identifier (id) type through which those primitives are referred to. The concept AABBPrimitiveWithSharedData also refines the concepts DefaultConstructible and Assignable. The concept is similar to AABBPrimitive except that some data stored outside of the primitives are required to access the datum and the reference point
\CAABBTraitsThe concept AABBTraits provides the geometric primitive types and methods for the class CGAL::AABB_tree<AABBTraits>