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CGAL 4.5 - Profiling tools, Hash Map, Union-find, Modifiers
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Class and Concept List
Here is the list of all concepts and classes of this package. Classes are inside the namespace CGAL. Concepts are in the global namespace.
[detail level 12]
|oCHandle_hash_functionThe class Handle_hash_function is a model for the UniqueHashFunction concept
|oCMemory_sizerThe class Memory_sizer allows to measure the memory size used by the process
|oCModifier_baseModifier_base is an abstract base class providing the interface for any modifier
|oCProfile_counterThe class Profile_counter provides a way to count the number of times a given line of code is executed during the execution of a program, and print this number at the end of the execution of the program
|oCReal_timerThe class Real_timer is a timer class for measuring real time
|oCTimerThe class Timer is a timer class for measuring user process time
|oCUnion_findAn instance P of the data type Union_find<T,A> is a partition of values of type T into disjoint sets
|\CUnique_hash_mapAn instance of the class template Unique_hash_map is an injective mapping from the set of keys of type Key to the set of variables of type Data
\CUniqueHashFunctionUniqueHashFunction is a concept for a hash function with unique hash values. An instance hash for a model of the UniqueHashFunction concept is a function object. It maps objects of its domain type Key to the integral image type std::size_t. The image values have to be unique for all keys in the domain type Key