class | CGAL::CC_safe_handle< CC_iterator > |
| The class CC_safe_handle is a helper class that stores an iterator on a Compact_container (or Concurrent_compact_container ) and is able to know if the pointee has been erased after the creation of the CC_safe_handle instance. More...
class | CGAL::Compact_container_base |
| The class Compact_container_base can be used as a base class for your own type T , so that T can be used directly within Compact_container<T, Allocator> . More...
class | CGAL::Compact_container< T, Allocator > |
| An object of the class Compact_container is a container of objects of type T . More...
class | CGAL::Compact_container_traits< T > |
| The traits class Compact_container_traits provides the way to access the internal pointer required for T to be used in a Compact_container<T, Allocator> . More...
class | CGAL::Concurrent_compact_container_traits< T > |
| The traits class Concurrent_compact_container_traits provides the way to access the internal pointer required for T to be used in a Concurrent_compact_container<T, Allocator> . More...
class | CGAL::Concurrent_compact_container< T, Allocator > |
| An object of the class Concurrent_compact_container is a container of objects of type T , which allows to call insert and erase operations concurrently. More...