CGAL 4.6.3 - Inscribed Areas
CGAL | |
Extremal_polygon_area_traits_2 | This is an advanced class |
Extremal_polygon_perimeter_traits_2 | This is an advanced class |
Largest_empty_iso_rectangle_2 | Given a set of points in the plane, the class Largest_empty_iso_rectangle_2 is a data structure that maintains an iso-rectangle with the largest area among all iso-rectangles that are inside a given bounding box( iso-rectangle), and that do not contain any point of the point set |
ExtremalPolygonTraits_2 | Advanced The concept ExtremalPolygonTraits_2 provides the types and operations needed to compute a maximal \( k\)-gon that can be inscribed into a given convex polygon. |
LargestEmptyIsoRectangleTraits_2 | The concept LargestEmptyIsoRectangleTraits_2 describes the set of requirements to be fulfilled by any class used to instantiate the template parameter of the class Largest_empty_iso_rectangle_2<T> . This concept provides the types of the geometric primitives used in this class and some function object types for the required predicates on those primitives |