\( \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \) \( \newcommand{\A}{\mathrm{A}} \) \( \newcommand{\R}{\mathrm{R}} \) \( \newcommand{\N}{\mathrm{N}} \) \( \newcommand{\Q}{\mathrm{Q}} \) \( \newcommand{\Z}{\mathrm{Z}} \) \( \def\ccSum #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} } \def\ccProd #1#2#3{ \sum_{#1}^{#2}{#3} }\)
CGAL 4.9.1 - Point Set Processing
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Point Set Processing Reference

Pierre Alliez, Clément Jamin, Quentin Mérigot, Jocelyn Meyron, Laurent Saboret, Nader Salman, Shihao Wu
This CGAL component implements methods to analyze and process unorganized point sets. The input is an unorganized point set, possibly with normal attributes (unoriented or oriented). The point set can be analyzed to measure its average spacing, and processed through functions devoted to the simplification, outlier removal, smoothing, normal estimation, normal orientation and feature edges estimation.

Introduced in: CGAL 3.5
Depends on: CGAL and Solvers
BibTeX: cgal:ass-psp-17a
License: GPL
Windows Demo: See Polyhedral Surface
Common Demo Dlls: dlls

Classified Reference Pages







class  CGAL::Ply_reader
 The PLY reader is initialized with the correct set of properties (along with their name tags and number types) based on the header of the PLY input file. More...
class  CGAL::Ply_interpreter_points_and_normals_3< OutputIteratorValueType, OutputIterator, PointPMap, NormalPMap, Kernel >
 PLY interpreter designed to fill an output iterator of points and normals based on given property maps. More...


template<class FT , class VCMTraits >
bool CGAL::vcm_is_on_feature_edge (cpp11::array< FT, 6 > &cov, double threshold, VCMTraits)
 determines if a point is on a sharp feature edge from a point set for which the Voronoi covariance Measures have been computed. More...
template<class ForwardIterator , class PointPMap , class Kernel >
void CGAL::compute_vcm (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, std::vector< cpp11::array< typename Kernel::FT, 6 > > &ccov, double offset_radius, double convolution_radius, const Kernel &kernel)
 computes the Voronoi Covariance Measure (VCM) of a point cloud, a construction that can be used for normal estimation and sharp feature detection. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename VCMTraits >
void CGAL::vcm_estimate_normals (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, double offset_radius, double convolution_radius, VCMTraits)
 Estimates normal directions of the points in the range [first, beyond) using the Voronoi Covariance Measure with a radius for the convolution. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename VCMTraits >
void CGAL::vcm_estimate_normals (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, double offset_radius, unsigned int k, VCMTraits)
 Estimates normal directions of the points in the range [first, beyond) using the Voronoi Covariance Measure with a number of neighbors for the convolution. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
ForwardIterator CGAL::mst_orient_normals (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, unsigned int k, const Kernel &kernel)
 Orients the normals of the [first, beyond) range of points using the propagation of a seed orientation through a minimum spanning tree of the Riemannian graph [Hoppe92]. More...
template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename OutputIterator , typename RandomAccessIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
OutputIterator CGAL::wlop_simplify_and_regularize_point_set (RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator beyond, OutputIterator output, PointPMap point_pmap, double select_percentage, double radius, unsigned int iter_number, bool require_uniform_sampling, const Kernel &)
 This is an implementation of the Weighted Locally Optimal Projection (WLOP) simplification algorithm. More...
template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
double CGAL::bilateral_smooth_point_set (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, unsigned int k, typename Kernel::FT sharpness_angle, const Kernel &)
 This function smooths an input point set by iteratively projecting each point onto the implicit surface patch fitted over its k nearest neighbors. More...
template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename OutputIterator , typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
OutputIterator CGAL::edge_aware_upsample_point_set (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, OutputIterator output, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, const typename Kernel::FT sharpness_angle, typename Kernel::FT edge_sensitivity, typename Kernel::FT neighbor_radius, const std::size_t number_of_output_points, const Kernel &)
 This method progressively upsamples the point set while approaching the edge singularities (detected by normal variation), which generates a denser point set from an input point set. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename DiagonalizeTraits , typename Kernel >
ForwardIterator CGAL::hierarchy_simplify_point_set (ForwardIterator begin, ForwardIterator end, PointPMap point_pmap, const unsigned int size, const double var_max, const DiagonalizeTraits &, const Kernel &)
 Recursively split the point set in smaller clusters until the clusters have less than size elements or until their variation factor is below var_max. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
ForwardIterator CGAL::random_simplify_point_set (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap, double removed_percentage, const Kernel &)
 Randomly deletes a user-specified fraction of the input points. More...
template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename InputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel , typename SvdTraits >
void CGAL::jet_smooth_point_set (InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, unsigned int k, const Kernel &, unsigned int degree_fitting=2, unsigned int degree_monge=2)
 Smoothes the [first, beyond) range of points using jet fitting on the k nearest neighbors and reprojection onto the jet. More...
template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename InputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
Kernel::FT CGAL::compute_average_spacing (InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, unsigned int k, const Kernel &)
 Computes average spacing from k nearest neighbors. More...
template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_off_points_and_normals (std::istream &stream, OutputIterator output, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, const Kernel &)
 Reads points (positions + normals, if available) from a .off ASCII stream. More...
template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_off_points (std::istream &stream, OutputIterator output, PointPMap point_pmap, const Kernel &kernel)
 Reads points (position only) from a .off ASCII stream. More...
template<typename PlyInterpreter , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_ply_custom_points (std::istream &stream, PlyInterpreter &interpreter, const Kernel &)
 Reads points from a .ply stream (ASCII or binary) using a custom interpreter provided by the user. More...
template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_ply_points_and_normals (std::istream &stream, OutputIterator output, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, const Kernel &kernel)
 Reads points (positions + normals, if available) from a .ply stream (ASCII or binary). More...
template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_ply_points (std::istream &stream, OutputIterator output, PointPMap point_pmap, const Kernel &kernel)
 Reads points (position only) from a .ply stream (ASCII or binary). More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_xyz_points_and_normals (std::ostream &stream, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, const Kernel &)
 Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions + normals) to a .xyz ASCII stream. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_xyz_points (std::ostream &stream, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, const Kernel &)
 Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions only) to a .xyz ASCII stream. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_off_points_and_normals (std::ostream &stream, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, const Kernel &)
 Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions + normals) to a .off ASCII stream. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_off_points (std::ostream &stream, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, const Kernel &)
 Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions only) to a .off ASCII stream. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_ply_points_and_normals (std::ostream &stream, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, const Kernel &)
 Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions + normals) to a .ply ASCII stream. More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_ply_points (std::ostream &stream, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, const Kernel &)
 Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions only) to a .ply ASCII stream. More...
template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_xyz_points_and_normals (std::istream &stream, OutputIterator output, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, const Kernel &)
 Reads points (positions + normals, if available) from a .xyz ASCII stream. More...
template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_xyz_points (std::istream &stream, OutputIterator output, PointPMap point_pmap, const Kernel &kernel)
 Reads points (positions only) from a .xyz ASCII stream. More...
template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel , typename SvdTraits >
void CGAL::jet_estimate_normals (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, unsigned int k, const Kernel &, unsigned int degree_fitting=2)
 Estimates normal directions of the [first, beyond) range of points using jet fitting on the k nearest neighbors. More...
template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
void CGAL::pca_estimate_normals (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, NormalPMap normal_pmap, unsigned int k, const Kernel &)
 Estimates normal directions of the [first, beyond) range of points by linear least squares fitting of a plane over the k nearest neighbors. More...
template<typename InputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
InputIterator CGAL::remove_outliers (InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, unsigned int k, double threshold_percent, const Kernel &)
 Removes outliers: More...
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
ForwardIterator CGAL::grid_simplify_point_set (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator beyond, PointPMap point_pmap, double epsilon, const Kernel &)
 Merges points which belong to the same cell of a grid of cell size = epsilon. More...

Function Documentation

template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
double CGAL::bilateral_smooth_point_set ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
unsigned int  k,
typename Kernel::FT  sharpness_angle,
const Kernel  

This function smooths an input point set by iteratively projecting each point onto the implicit surface patch fitted over its k nearest neighbors.

Bilateral projection preserves sharp features according to the normal (gradient) information. Both point positions and normals will be modified. For more details, please see section 4 in [3].

A parallel version of this function is provided and requires the executable to be linked against the Intel TBB library. To control the number of threads used, the user may use the tbb::task_scheduler_init class. See the TBB documentation for more details.

Normals must be unit vectors
k >= 2
Template Parameters
Concurrency_tagenables sequential versus parallel algorithm. Possible values are Sequential_tag and Parallel_tag.
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadWritePropertyMap with the value type of ForwardIterator as key and Kernel::Point_3 as value type. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Kernel::Point_3.
NormalPMapis a model of ReadWritePropertyMap with the value type of ForwardIterator as key and Kernel::Vector_3 as value type.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap using Kernel_traits.
Average point movement error. It's a convergence criterium for the algorithm. This value can help the user to decide how many iterations are sufficient.
firstforward iterator on the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator.
point_pmappoint property map.
normal_pmapnormal property map.
ksize of the neighborhood for the implicit surface patch fitting. The larger the value is, the smoother the result will be.
sharpness_anglecontrols the sharpness of the result. The larger the value is, the smoother the result will be. The range of possible value is [0, 90].

#include <CGAL/bilateral_smooth_point_set.h>

template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename InputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
Kernel::FT CGAL::compute_average_spacing ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
unsigned int  k,
const Kernel  

Computes average spacing from k nearest neighbors.

k >= 2.
Template Parameters
Concurrency_tagenables sequential versus parallel algorithm. Possible values are Sequential_tag and Parallel_tag.
InputIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of InputIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
average spacing (scalar).
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of InputIterator -> Point_3
knumber of neighbors.

#include <CGAL/compute_average_spacing.h>

template<class ForwardIterator , class PointPMap , class Kernel >
void CGAL::compute_vcm ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
std::vector< cpp11::array< typename Kernel::FT, 6 > > &  ccov,
double  offset_radius,
double  convolution_radius,
const Kernel kernel 

computes the Voronoi Covariance Measure (VCM) of a point cloud, a construction that can be used for normal estimation and sharp feature detection.

The VCM associates to each point the covariance matrix of its Voronoi cell intersected with the ball of radius offset_radius. In addition, if the second radius convolution_radius is positive, the covariance matrices are smoothed via a convolution process. More specifically, each covariance matrix is replaced by the average of the matrices of the points located at a distance at most convolution_radius. The choice for parameter offset_radius should refer to the geometry of the underlying surface while the choice for parameter convolution_radius should refer to the noise level in the point cloud. For example, if the point cloud is a uniform and noise-free sampling of a smooth surface, offset_radius should be set to the minimum local feature size of the surface, while convolution_radius can be set to zero.

The Voronoi covariance matrix of each vertex is stored in an array a of length 6 and is as follow:

\( \begin{bmatrix} a[0] & a[1] & a[2] \\ a[1] & a[3] & a[4] \\ a[2] & a[4] & a[5] \\ \end{bmatrix}\)
Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value_type = Kernel::Point_3.
CovariancePMapis a model of ReadWritePropertyMap with a value_type = cpp11::array<Kernel::FT,6>.
KernelGeometric traits class.
See Also

#include <CGAL/vcm_estimate_normals.h>

template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename OutputIterator , typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
OutputIterator CGAL::edge_aware_upsample_point_set ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
OutputIterator  output,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
const typename Kernel::FT  sharpness_angle,
typename Kernel::FT  edge_sensitivity,
typename Kernel::FT  neighbor_radius,
const std::size_t  number_of_output_points,
const Kernel  

This method progressively upsamples the point set while approaching the edge singularities (detected by normal variation), which generates a denser point set from an input point set.

This has applications in point-based rendering, hole filling, and sparse surface reconstruction. Normals of points are required as input. For more details, please refer to [3].

Template Parameters
Concurrency_tagenables sequential versus parallel versions of compute_average_spacing() (called internally). Possible values are Sequential_tag and Parallel_tag.
OutputIteratorType of the output iterator. The type of the objects put in it is std::pair<Kernel::Point_3, Kernel::Vector_3>. Note that the user may use a function_output_iterator to match specific needs.
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with the value type of ForwardIterator as key and Kernel::Point_3 as value type. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Kernel::Point_3.
NormalPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with the value type of ForwardIterator as key and Kernel::Vector_3 as value type.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap using Kernel_traits.
firstforward iterator on the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator.
outputoutput iterator where output points and normals are put.
point_pmappoint property map.
normal_pmapvector property map.
sharpness_anglecontrols the preservation of sharp features. The larger the value is, the smoother the result will be. The range of possible values is [0, 90]. See section Parameter: sharpness_angle for an example.
edge_sensitivitylarger values of edge-sensitivity give higher priority to inserting points along sharp features. The range of possible values is [0, 1]. See section Parameter: edge_sensitivity for an example.
neighbor_radiusindicates the radius of the largest hole that should be filled. The default value is set to 3 times the average spacing of the point set. If the value given by user is smaller than the average spacing, the function will use the default value instead.
number_of_output_pointsnumber of output points to generate.

#include <CGAL/edge_aware_upsample_point_set.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
ForwardIterator CGAL::grid_simplify_point_set ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
double  epsilon,
const Kernel  

Merges points which belong to the same cell of a grid of cell size = epsilon.

This method modifies the order of input points so as to pack all remaining points first, and returns an iterator over the first point to remove (see erase-remove idiom). For this reason it should not be called on sorted containers.

epsilon > 0
Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
iterator over the first point to remove.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3
epsilontolerance value when merging 3D points.

#include <CGAL/grid_simplify_point_set.h>

Point_set_processing_3/grid_simplification_example.cpp, and Point_set_processing_3/grid_simplify_indices.cpp.
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename DiagonalizeTraits , typename Kernel >
ForwardIterator CGAL::hierarchy_simplify_point_set ( ForwardIterator  begin,
ForwardIterator  end,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
const unsigned int  size,
const double  var_max,
const DiagonalizeTraits ,
const Kernel  

Recursively split the point set in smaller clusters until the clusters have less than size elements or until their variation factor is below var_max.

This method modifies the order of input points so as to pack all remaining points first, and returns an iterator over the first point to remove (see erase-remove idiom). For this reason it should not be called on sorted containers.

0 < var_max < 1/3
size > 0
Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
DiagonalizeTraitsis a model of DiagonalizeTraits. It can be omitted: if Eigen 3 (or greater) is available and CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED is defined then an overload using Eigen_diagonalize_traits is provided. Otherwise, the internal implementation Internal_diagonalize_traits is used.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
iterator over the first point to remove.

#include <CGAL/hierarchy_simplify_point_set.h>

template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel , typename SvdTraits >
void CGAL::jet_estimate_normals ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
unsigned int  k,
const Kernel ,
unsigned int  degree_fitting = 2 

Estimates normal directions of the [first, beyond) range of points using jet fitting on the k nearest neighbors.

The output normals are randomly oriented.

k >= 2
Template Parameters
Concurrency_tagenables sequential versus parallel algorithm. Possible values are Sequential_tag and Parallel_tag.
ForwardIteratoriterator model of the concept of the same name over input points and able to store output normals.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Vector_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
SvdTraitstemplate parameter for the class Monge_via_jet_fitting that can be ommited under conditions described in the documentation of Monge_via_jet_fitting.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Vector_3.
knumber of neighbors.
degree_fittingfitting degree

#include <CGAL/jet_estimate_normals.h>

template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename InputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel , typename SvdTraits >
void CGAL::jet_smooth_point_set ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
unsigned int  k,
const Kernel ,
unsigned int  degree_fitting = 2,
unsigned int  degree_monge = 2 

Smoothes the [first, beyond) range of points using jet fitting on the k nearest neighbors and reprojection onto the jet.

As this method relocates the points, it should not be called on containers sorted w.r.t. point locations.

k >= 2
Template Parameters
Concurrency_tagenables sequential versus parallel algorithm. Possible values are Sequential_tag and Parallel_tag.
InputIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadWritePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of InputIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
SvdTraitstemplate parameter for the class Monge_via_jet_fitting that can be ommited under conditions described in the documentation of Monge_via_jet_fitting.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of InputIterator -> Point_3.
knumber of neighbors.
degree_fittingfitting degree
degree_mongeMonge degree

#include <CGAL/jet_smooth_point_set.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
ForwardIterator CGAL::mst_orient_normals ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
unsigned int  k,
const Kernel kernel 

Orients the normals of the [first, beyond) range of points using the propagation of a seed orientation through a minimum spanning tree of the Riemannian graph [Hoppe92].

This method modifies the order of input points so as to pack all sucessfully oriented points first, and returns an iterator over the first point with an unoriented normal (see erase-remove idiom). For this reason it should not be called on sorted containers.

This function may fail when Boost version 1.54 is used, because of the following bug: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9012
Normals must be unit vectors
k >= 2
Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of ReadWritePropertyMap with value type Vector_3<Kernel> .
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
iterator over the first point with an unoriented normal.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Vector_3.
knumber of neighbors
kernelgeometric traits.

#include <CGAL/mst_orient_normals.h>

template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
void CGAL::pca_estimate_normals ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
unsigned int  k,
const Kernel  

Estimates normal directions of the [first, beyond) range of points by linear least squares fitting of a plane over the k nearest neighbors.

The output normals are randomly oriented.

k >= 2
Template Parameters
Concurrency_tagenables sequential versus parallel algorithm. Possible values are Sequential_tag and Parallel_tag.
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Vector_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Vector_3.
knumber of neighbors.

#include <CGAL/pca_estimate_normals.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
ForwardIterator CGAL::random_simplify_point_set ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  ,
double  removed_percentage,
const Kernel  

Randomly deletes a user-specified fraction of the input points.

This method modifies the order of input points so as to pack all remaining points first, and returns an iterator over the first point to remove (see erase-remove idiom). For this reason it should not be called on sorted containers.

Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
iterator over the first point to remove.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
removed_percentagepercentage of points to remove.

#include <CGAL/random_simplify_point_set.h>

template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_off_points ( std::istream &  stream,
OutputIterator  output,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
const Kernel kernel 

Reads points (position only) from a .off ASCII stream.

The function expects for each point a line with the x y z position. If the position is followed by the nx ny nz normal, then the normal will be ignored. Faces are ignored.

Template Parameters
OutputIteratorValueTypetype of objects that can be put in OutputIterator. It is default to value_type_traits<OutputIterator>::type and can be omitted when the default is fine.
OutputIteratoriterator over output points.
PointPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value_type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of OutputIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streaminput stream.
outputoutput iterator over points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3.
kernelgeometric traits.

#include <CGAL/IO/read_off_points.h>

template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_off_points_and_normals ( std::istream &  stream,
OutputIterator  output,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
const Kernel  

Reads points (positions + normals, if available) from a .off ASCII stream.

The function expects for each point a line with the x y z position, optionally followed by the nx ny nz normal. Faces are ignored.

Template Parameters
OutputIteratorValueTypetype of objects that can be put in OutputIterator. It is default to value_type_traits<OutputIterator>::type and can be omitted when the default is fine.
OutputIteratoriterator over output points.
PointPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of OutputIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Vector_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streaminput stream.
outputoutput iterator over points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Vector_3.

#include <CGAL/IO/read_off_points.h>

template<typename PlyInterpreter , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_ply_custom_points ( std::istream &  stream,
PlyInterpreter interpreter,
const Kernel  

Reads points from a .ply stream (ASCII or binary) using a custom interpreter provided by the user.

Template Parameters
PlyInterpreterInterpreter of Ply input, must be a model of PlyInterpreter
KernelGeometric traits class.
true on success.
streaminput stream.
interpreterCustom PLY interpreter

#include <CGAL/IO/read_ply_points.h>

template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_ply_points ( std::istream &  stream,
OutputIterator  output,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
const Kernel kernel 

Reads points (position only) from a .ply stream (ASCII or binary).

Potential additional point properties (including normals) and faces are ignored.

Template Parameters
OutputIteratorValueTypetype of objects that can be put in OutputIterator. It is default to value_type_traits<OutputIterator>::type and can be omitted when the default is fine.
OutputIteratoriterator over output points.
PointPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value_type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of OutputIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streaminput stream.
outputoutput iterator over points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3.
kernelgeometric traits.

#include <CGAL/IO/read_ply_points.h>

template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_ply_points_and_normals ( std::istream &  stream,
OutputIterator  output,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
const Kernel kernel 

Reads points (positions + normals, if available) from a .ply stream (ASCII or binary).

Potential additional point properties and faces are ignored.

Template Parameters
OutputIteratorValueTypetype of objects that can be put in OutputIterator. It is default to value_type_traits<OutputIterator>::type and can be omitted when the default is fine.
OutputIteratoriterator over output points.
PointPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of OutputIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Vector_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streaminput stream.
outputoutput iterator over points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Vector_3.
kernelgeometric traits.

#include <CGAL/IO/read_ply_points.h>

template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_xyz_points ( std::istream &  stream,
OutputIterator  output,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
const Kernel kernel 

Reads points (positions only) from a .xyz ASCII stream.

The function expects for each point a line with the x y z position. If the position is followed by the nx ny nz normal, then the normal will be ignored. The first line may contain the number of points in the file. Empty lines and comments starting by # character are allowed.

Template Parameters
OutputIteratorValueTypetype of objects that can be put in OutputIterator. It is default to value_type_traits<OutputIterator>::type and can be omitted when the default is fine.
OutputIteratoriterator over output points.
PointPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of OutputIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streaminput stream.
outputoutput iterator over points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3.
kernelgeometric traits.

#include <CGAL/IO/read_xyz_points.h>

Point_set_processing_3/average_spacing_example.cpp, Point_set_processing_3/grid_simplification_example.cpp, Point_set_processing_3/hierarchy_simplification_example.cpp, Point_set_processing_3/normals_example.cpp, Point_set_processing_3/remove_outliers_example.cpp, and Point_set_processing_3/wlop_simplify_and_regularize_point_set_example.cpp.
template<typename OutputIteratorValueType , typename OutputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::read_xyz_points_and_normals ( std::istream &  stream,
OutputIterator  output,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
const Kernel  

Reads points (positions + normals, if available) from a .xyz ASCII stream.

The function expects for each point a line with the x y z position, optionally followed by the nx ny nz normal. The first line may contain the number of points in the file. Empty lines and comments starting by # character are allowed.

Template Parameters
OutputIteratorValueTypetype of objects that can be put in OutputIterator. It is default to value_type_traits<OutputIterator>::type and can be omitted when the default is fine.
OutputIteratoriterator over output points.
PointPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of OutputIterator value_type is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with value type Vector_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streaminput stream.
outputoutput iterator over points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Vector_3.

#include <CGAL/IO/read_xyz_points.h>

Point_set_processing_3/bilateral_smooth_point_set_example.cpp, Point_set_processing_3/edge_aware_upsample_point_set_example.cpp, and Point_set_processing_3/read_write_xyz_point_set_example.cpp.
template<typename InputIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
InputIterator CGAL::remove_outliers ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
unsigned int  k,
double  threshold_percent,
const Kernel  

Removes outliers:

  • computes average squared distance to the K nearest neighbors,
  • and sorts the points in increasing order of average distance.

This method modifies the order of input points so as to pack all remaining points first, and returns an iterator over the first point to remove (see erase-remove idiom). For this reason it should not be called on sorted containers.

k >= 2
Template Parameters
InputIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted ifthe value type of InputIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
iterator over the first point to remove.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of InputIterator -> Point_3
knumber of neighbors.
threshold_percentpercentage of points to remove.

#include <CGAL/remove_outliers.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename VCMTraits >
void CGAL::vcm_estimate_normals ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
double  offset_radius,
double  convolution_radius,

Estimates normal directions of the points in the range [first, beyond) using the Voronoi Covariance Measure with a radius for the convolution.

The output normals are randomly oriented.

See compute_vcm() for a detailed description of the parameters offset_radius and convolution_radius and of the Voronoi Covariance Measure.

Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value_type = Kernel::Point_3.
NormalPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with a value_type = Kernel::Vector_3.
VCMTraitsis a model of DiagonalizeTraits. It can be omitted: if Eigen 3 (or greater) is available and CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED is defined then an overload using Eigen_diagonalize_traits is provided. Otherwise, the internal implementation Diagonalize_traits is used.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Vector_3.
offset_radiusoffset radius.
convolution_radiusconvolution radius.

#include <CGAL/vcm_estimate_normals.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename VCMTraits >
void CGAL::vcm_estimate_normals ( ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
double  offset_radius,
unsigned int  k,

Estimates normal directions of the points in the range [first, beyond) using the Voronoi Covariance Measure with a number of neighbors for the convolution.

The output normals are randomly oriented.

See compute_vcm() for a detailed description of the parameter offset_radius and of the Voronoi Covariance Measure.

Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value_type = Kernel::Point_3.
NormalPMapis a model of WritablePropertyMap with a value_type = Kernel::Vector_3.
VCMTraitsis a model of DiagonalizeTraits. It can be omitted: if Eigen 3 (or greater) is available and CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED is defined then an overload using Eigen_diagonalize_traits is provided. Otherwise, the internal implementation Diagonalize_traits is used.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Vector_3.
offset_radiusoffset radius.
knumber of neighbor points used for the convolution.

#include <CGAL/vcm_estimate_normals.h>

template<class FT , class VCMTraits >
bool CGAL::vcm_is_on_feature_edge ( cpp11::array< FT, 6 > &  cov,
double  threshold,

determines if a point is on a sharp feature edge from a point set for which the Voronoi covariance Measures have been computed.

The sharpness of the edge, specified by parameter threshold, is used to filtered points according to the external angle around a sharp feature.

A point is considered to be on a sharp feature if the external angle alpha at the edge is such that alpha >= 2 / sqrt(3) * sqrt(threshold). In particular this means that if the input contains sharp features with different external angles, the one with the smallest external angle should be considered, which however would result in selecting more points on sharper regions. More details are provided in [4].

Template Parameters
VCMTraitsis a model of DiagonalizeTraits. It can be omitted: if Eigen 3 (or greater) is available and CGAL_EIGEN3_ENABLED is defined then an overload using Eigen_diagonalize_traits is provided. Otherwise, the internal implementation Diagonalize_traits is used.
See Also

#include <CGAL/vcm_estimate_edges.h>

template<typename Concurrency_tag , typename OutputIterator , typename RandomAccessIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
OutputIterator CGAL::wlop_simplify_and_regularize_point_set ( RandomAccessIterator  first,
RandomAccessIterator  beyond,
OutputIterator  output,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
double  select_percentage,
double  radius,
unsigned int  iter_number,
bool  require_uniform_sampling,
const Kernel  

This is an implementation of the Weighted Locally Optimal Projection (WLOP) simplification algorithm.

The WLOP simplification algorithm can produce a set of denoised, outlier-free and evenly distributed particles over the original dense point cloud. The core of the algorithm is a Weighted Locally Optimal Projection operator with a density uniformization term. For more details, please refer to [2].

A parallel version of WLOP is provided and requires the executable to be linked against the Intel TBB library. To control the number of threads used, the user may use the tbb::task_scheduler_init class. See the TBB documentation for more details.

Template Parameters
Concurrency_tagenables sequential versus parallel algorithm. Possible values are Sequential_tag and Parallel_tag.
OutputIteratorType of the output iterator. It must accept objects of type Kernel::Point_3.
RandomAccessIteratorIterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with the value type of ForwardIterator as key type and Kernel::Point_3 as value type. It can be omitted if the value type of RandomAccessIterator is convertible to Kernel::Point_3.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap using Kernel_traits.
firstrandom-access iterator to the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator.
outputoutput iterator where output points are put.
point_pmappoint property map.
select_percentagepercentage of points to retain. The default value is set to 5 (%).
radiusspherical neighborhood radius. This is a key parameter that needs to be finely tuned. The result will be irregular if too small, but a larger value will impact the runtime. In practice, choosing a radius such that the neighborhood of each sample point includes at least two rings of neighboring sample points gives satisfactory result. The default value is set to 8 times the average spacing of the point set.
iter_numbernumber of iterations to solve the optimsation problem. The default value is 35. More iterations give a more regular result but increase the runtime.
require_uniform_samplingan optional preprocessing, which will give better result if the distribution of the input points is highly non-uniform. The default value is false.

#include <CGAL/wlop_simplify_and_regularize_point_set.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_off_points ( std::ostream &  stream,
ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
const Kernel  

Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions only) to a .off ASCII stream.

The function writes for each point a line with the x y z position.

Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value_type = Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streamoutput stream.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.

#include <CGAL/IO/write_off_points.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_off_points_and_normals ( std::ostream &  stream,
ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
const Kernel  

Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions + normals) to a .off ASCII stream.

The function writes for each point a line with the x y z position followed by the nx ny nz normal.

normals must be unit vectors
Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value type Vector_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streamoutput stream.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Vector_3.

#include <CGAL/IO/write_off_points.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_ply_points ( std::ostream &  stream,
ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
const Kernel  

Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions only) to a .ply ASCII stream.

Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value_type = Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streamoutput stream.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.

#include <CGAL/IO/write_ply_points.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_ply_points_and_normals ( std::ostream &  stream,
ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
const Kernel  

Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions + normals) to a .ply ASCII stream.

normals must be unit vectors
Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value type Vector_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streamoutput stream.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Vector_3.

#include <CGAL/IO/write_ply_points.h>

template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_xyz_points ( std::ostream &  stream,
ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
const Kernel  

Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions only) to a .xyz ASCII stream.

The function writes for each point a line with the x y z position.

Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with value type Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator value_type is convertible toPoint_3<Kernel>`.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streamoutput stream.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.

#include <CGAL/IO/write_xyz_points.h>

Point_set_processing_3/hierarchy_simplification_example.cpp, and Point_set_processing_3/wlop_simplify_and_regularize_point_set_example.cpp.
template<typename ForwardIterator , typename PointPMap , typename NormalPMap , typename Kernel >
bool CGAL::write_xyz_points_and_normals ( std::ostream &  stream,
ForwardIterator  first,
ForwardIterator  beyond,
PointPMap  point_pmap,
NormalPMap  normal_pmap,
const Kernel  

Saves the [first, beyond) range of points (positions + normals) to a .xyz ASCII stream.

The function writes for each point a line with the x y z position followed by the nx ny nz normal.

normals must be unit vectors
Template Parameters
ForwardIteratoriterator over input points.
PointPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value type = Point_3<Kernel>. It can be omitted if the value type of ForwardIterator is convertible to Point_3<Kernel>.
NormalPMapis a model of ReadablePropertyMap with a value type Vector_3<Kernel>.
KernelGeometric traits class. It can be omitted and deduced automatically from the value type of PointPMap.
true on success.
streamoutput stream.
firstiterator over the first input point.
beyondpast-the-end iterator over the input points.
point_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Point_3.
normal_pmapproperty map: value_type of ForwardIterator -> Vector_3.

#include <CGAL/IO/write_xyz_points.h>

Point_set_processing_3/bilateral_smooth_point_set_example.cpp, Point_set_processing_3/edge_aware_upsample_point_set_example.cpp, and Point_set_processing_3/read_write_xyz_point_set_example.cpp.