CGAL 5.0.2 - Combinatorial Maps
The concept GenericMap
defines a d-dimensional generic map. This concept is defined only to factorize the common notions between CombinatorialMap
and GeneralizedMap
A generic map has a set of darts D, and functions f_0, \ldots, f_{d} that link these darts between them.
Creation | |
template<typename Map > | |
GenericMap (const Map &bmap) | |
Construct a new generic map from another one. More... | |
Types | |
typedef unspecified_type | Dart |
Dart type. | |
typedef unspecified_type | Dart_handle |
Dart handle type. More... | |
typedef unspecified_type | Dart_const_handle |
Dart const handle type. More... | |
typedef unspecified_type | Dart_info |
Information associated to each dart. | |
typedef unspecified_type | size_type |
Size type (an unsigned integral type). | |
Constants | |
static const unsigned int | dimension |
The dimension d of the generic map. | |
static const size_type | NB_MARKS |
The number of available Boolean marks of the generic map. | |
Types for Attributes | |
typedef unspecified_type | Attributes |
The tuple of cell attributes. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
using | Attribute_type = unspecified_type |
Attribute_type<i>::type is the type of i-attributes, a model of CellAttribute concept. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
using | Attribute_handle = unspecified_type |
Attribute_handle<i>::type is a handle to i-attributes. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
using | Attribute_const_handle = unspecified_type |
Attribute_handle<i>::type is a const handle to i-attributes. More... | |
Range Types | |
typedef unspecified_type | Dart_range |
Range of all the darts of the generic map. More... | |
typedef unspecified_type | Dart_const_range |
Const range of all the darts of the generic map. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
using | Attribute_range = unspecified_type |
Attribute_range<i>::type is the range of all the i-attributes. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
using | Attribute_const_range = unspecified_type |
Attribute_const_range<i>::type is the const range of all the i-attributes. More... | |
template<unsigned int... I> | |
using | Dart_of_orbit_range = unspecified_type |
Range of all the darts of the <I...> orbit. More... | |
template<unsigned int ... I> | |
using | Dart_of_orbit_const_range = unspecified_type |
Const range of all the darts of the <I...> orbit. More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
using | Dart_of_cell_range = unspecified_type |
Range of all the darts of an i-cell. More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
using | Dart_of_cell_const_range = unspecified_type |
Const range of all the darts of the i-cell. More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
using | One_dart_per_incident_cell_range = unspecified_type |
Range of one dart of each i-cell incident to one j-cell. More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
using | One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range = unspecified_type |
Const range of one dart of each i-cell incident to one j-cell. More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
using | One_dart_per_cell_range = unspecified_type |
Range of one dart of each i-cell of the generic map. More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
using | One_dart_per_cell_const_range = unspecified_type |
Const range of one dart of each i-cell of the generic map. More... | |
Access Member Functions | |
bool | is_empty () const |
Returns true iff the generic map is empty, i.e. it contains no dart. | |
bool | is_without_boundary (unsigned int i) const |
Returns true iff the generic map is without i-boundary. More... | |
bool | is_without_boundary () const |
Returns true iff the generic map is without boundary in all dimensions. | |
size_type | number_of_darts () const |
Returns the number of darts in the generic map. | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
size_type | number_of_attributes () const |
Returns the number of i-attributes in the generic map. More... | |
bool | is_dart_used (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns true if dh points to a used dart (i.e. valid). | |
bool | is_free (Dart_const_handle dh, unsigned int i) const |
Returns true iff dart *dh is i-free. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
bool | is_free (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns true iff dart *dh is i-free. More... | |
int | highest_nonfree_dimension (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns the highest dimension i such that dart *dh is not i-free. More... | |
Dart_handle | other_extremity (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns a handle to a dart belonging to the other vertex of the edge containing dart *dh (but not necessarily to the same edge). More... | |
Dart_const_handle | other_extremity (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns a const handle to a dart belonging to the other vertex of the edge containing dart *dh , when the dart is const (but not necessarily to the same edge). More... | |
Dart_handle | next (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns a handle to a dart belonging to the next edge after *dh , that does not belong to the same 0-cell than *dh and that belongs to the same i-cell than *dh for each i, 2 \leq i \leq dimension . | |
Dart_const_handle | next (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns a const handle to a dart belonging to the next edge after *dh , that does not belong to the same 0-cell than *dh and that belongs to the same i-cell than *dh for each i, 2 \leq i \leq dimension . | |
Dart_handle | previous (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns a handle to a dart belonging to the previous edge begore *dh , that does not belong to the same 0-cell than *dh and that belongs to the same i-cell than *dh for each i, 2 \leq i \leq dimension . | |
Dart_const_handle | previous (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns a const handle to a dart belonging to the previous edge begore *dh , that does not belong to the same 0-cell than *dh and that belongs to the same i-cell than *dh for each i, 2 \leq i \leq dimension . | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Dart_handle | opposite (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns a handle to a dart belonging to the opposite i-cell than *dh . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Dart_const_handle | opposite (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns a const handle to a dart belonging to the opposite i-cell than *dh . More... | |
std::ostream & | display_characteristics (std::ostream &os) const |
Displays on os the number of elements of the generic map. More... | |
Attributes Access Member Functions | |
Dart_info & | info (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns the information associated to dart *dh . More... | |
const Dart_info & | info (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns the information associated to dart *dh , when the dart is const. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Attribute_handle< i >::type | attribute (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns a handle to the i-attribute associated to dart *dh . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Attribute_const_handle< i >::type | attribute (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns a const handle to the i-attribute associated to dart *dh , when the dart is const. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Dart_handle | dart_of_attribute (typename Attribute_handle< i >::type ah) |
Returns one dart of the cell associated to the i-attribute *ah . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Dart_const_handle | dart_of_attribute (typename Attribute_const_handle< i >::type ah) const |
Returns one dart of the cell associated to the const i-attribute *ah . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Attribute_type< i >::type::Info & | info_of_attribute (typename Attribute_handle< i >::type ah) |
Returns the information of the i-attribute *ah . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
const Attribute_type< i >::type::Info & | info_of_attribute (typename Attribute_const_handle< i >::type ah) const |
Returns the information of the const i-attribute *ah . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Attribute_type< i >::type::Info & | info (Dart_handle adart) |
A shorcut for info_of_attribute<i> ( attribute<i> (adart)) . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
const Attribute_type< i >::type::Info & | info (Dart_const_handle adart) const |
A shorcut for info_of_attribute<i> ( attribute<i> (adart)) for const handle. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Dart_handle & | dart (Dart_handle adart) |
A shorcut for dart_of_attribute<i> ( attribute<i> (adart)) . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Dart_const_handle | dart (Dart_const_handle adart) const |
A shorcut for dart_of_attribute<i> ( attribute<i> (adart)) for const handle. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
bool | is_attribute_used (typename Attribute_const_handle< i >::type ah) const |
Returns true if ah points to a used i-attribute (i.e. valid). More... | |
Transformations Between Handles and Instances | |
Dart_handle | dart_handle (Dart &d) |
Returns the dart handle of d . More... | |
Dart_const_handle | dart_handle (const Dart &d) const |
Returns the dart const handle of d . More... | |
Range Access Member Functions | |
Dart_range & | darts () |
Returns a range of all the darts in the generic map. | |
Dart_const_range & | darts () const |
Returns a const range of all the darts in the generic map. | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Attribute_range< i >::type & | attributes () |
Returns a range of all the i-attributes in the generic map. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
Attribute_const_range< i >::type & | attributes () const |
Returns a const range of all the i-attributes in the generic map. More... | |
template<unsigned int ... I> | |
Dart_of_orbit_range | darts_of_orbit (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns a range of all the darts of the orbit <I...>(*dh) . More... | |
template<unsigned int ... I> | |
Dart_of_orbit_const_range | darts_of_orbit (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns a const range of all the darts of the orbit <I...>(*dh) . More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
Dart_of_cell_range | darts_of_cell (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns a range of all the darts of the i-cell containing *dh . More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
Dart_of_cell_const_range | darts_of_cell (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns a const range of all the darts of the i-cell containing *dh . More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
One_dart_per_incident_cell_range | one_dart_per_incident_cell (Dart_handle dh) |
Returns a range of one dart of each i-cell incident to the j-cell containing *dh . More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range | one_dart_per_incident_cell (Dart_const_handle dh) const |
Returns a const range of one dart of each i-cell incident to the j-cell containing *dh . More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
One_dart_per_cell_range | one_dart_per_cell () |
Returns a range of one dart of each i-cell in the generic map. More... | |
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int dim = dimension> | |
One_dart_per_cell_const_range | one_dart_per_cell () const |
Returns a const range of one dart of each i-cell in the generic map. More... | |
Modifiers | |
template<typename T1 > | |
Dart_handle | create_dart (T1 t1) |
Creates a new dart in the generic map, and returns the corresponding handle. More... | |
void | erase_dart (Dart_handle dh) |
Removes *dh from the generic map. More... | |
template<unsigned int i, typename T1 > | |
Attribute_handle< i >::type | create_attribute (T1 t1) |
Creates a new i-attribute in the generic map, and returns the corresponding handle. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
void | erase_attribute (Attribute_handle< i >::type ah) |
Removes the i-attribute *ah from the generic map. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
void | set_attribute (Dart_handle dh, Attribute_handle< i >::type ah) |
Associates the i-attribute of all the darts of the i-cell containing *dh to *ah . More... | |
void | clear () |
Deletes all the darts and all the attributes of the generic map. | |
GenericMap & | operator= (const GenericMap &bmap) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
void | swap (GenericMap &bmap) |
Swap the current generic map with bmap . More... | |
Attributes management | |
bool | are_attributes_automatically_managed () const |
Returns the status of the management of the attributes of the generic map. More... | |
void | set_automatic_attributes_management (bool update_attributes) |
Set the status of the managment of the attributes of the generic map. More... | |
void | correct_invalid_attributes () |
Correct the invalid attributes of the generic map. More... | |
Dynamic Onmerge/Onsplit functors | |
template<int i> | |
boost::function< void(typename Attribute_type< i >::type &, typename Attribute_type< i >::type &)> & | onsplit_function () |
Return the current dynamic onsplit function associated with i-attributes. More... | |
template<int i> | |
const boost::function< void(typename Attribute_type< i >::type &, typename Attribute_type< i >::type &)> & | onsplit_function () const |
Return the current dynamic onsplit function associated with i-attributes, when *this is const. More... | |
template<int i> | |
boost::function< void(typename Attribute_type< i >::type &, typename Attribute_type< i >::type &)> & | onmerge_function () |
Return the current dynamic onmerge function associated with i-attributes. More... | |
template<int i> | |
const boost::function< void(typename Attribute_type< i >::type &, typename Attribute_type< i >::type &)> & | onmerge_function () const |
Return the current dynamic onmerge function associated with i-attributes, when *this is const. More... | |
Boolean Marks | |
size_type | get_new_mark () const |
Reserves a new mark. More... | |
bool | is_reserved (size_type m) const |
Returns true iff m is a reserved mark of the generic map. More... | |
bool | is_marked (Dart_const_handle dh, size_type m) const |
Returns true iff *dh is marked for m . More... | |
void | mark (Dart_const_handle dh, size_type m) const |
Marks *dh for m . More... | |
void | unmark (Dart_const_handle dh, size_type m) const |
Unmarks *dh for the mark m . More... | |
void | negate_mark (size_type m) const |
Inverse the mark m for all the darts of the generic map. More... | |
void | unmark_all (size_type m) const |
Unmarks all the darts of the generic map for m . More... | |
size_type | number_of_marked_darts (size_type m) const |
Returns the number of marked darts for m . More... | |
size_type | number_of_unmarked_darts (size_type m) const |
Return the number of unmarked darts for m . More... | |
void | free_mark (size_type m) const |
Frees mark m . More... | |
Constructions | |
Dart_handle | make_combinatorial_hexahedron () |
Creates a combinatorial hexahedron (six combinatorial quadrangles 2-sewn together), and adds it in the generic map. More... | |
Dart_handle | make_combinatorial_polygon (unsigned int lg) |
Creates a combinatorial polygon of length lg (a cycle of lg darts 1-sewn together), and adds it in the generic map. More... | |
Dart_handle | make_combinatorial_tetrahedron () |
Creates a combinatorial tetrahedron (four combinatorial triangles 2-sewn together), and adds it in the generic map. More... | |
Dart_handle | make_edge () |
Creates an isolated edge (two darts sewn to represent one edge and two vertices) and adds it in the generic map. More... | |
Operations | |
Dart_handle | insert_cell_0_in_cell_1 (Dart_handle dh) |
Inserts a 0-cell in the 1-cell containing dh . More... | |
Dart_handle | insert_cell_0_in_cell_2 (Dart_handle dh) |
Inserts a 0-cell in the 2-cell containing dh . More... | |
Dart_handle | insert_cell_1_in_cell_2 (Dart_handle dh1, Dart_handle dh2) |
Inserts a 1-cell in the 2-cell containing dh1 and dh2 . More... | |
template<class InputIterator > | |
Dart_handle | insert_cell_2_in_cell_3 (InputIterator afirst, InputIterator alast) |
Inserts a 2-cell along the path of 1-cells containing darts given by the range [afirst,alast) . More... | |
Dart_handle | insert_dangling_cell_1_in_cell_2 (Dart_handle dh) |
Inserts a 1-cell in a the 2-cell containing dh , the 1-cell being attached only by one of its extremity to the 0-cell containing dh . More... | |
bool | is_insertable_cell_1_in_cell_2 (Dart_const_handle dh1, Dart_const_handle dh2) |
Returns true iff it is possible to insert a 1-cell in the generic map between dh1 and dh2 . More... | |
template<class InputIterator > | |
bool | is_insertable_cell_2_in_cell_3 (InputIterator afirst, InputIterator alast) |
Returns true iff it is possible to insert a 2-cell in the generic map along the path of darts given by the range [afirst,alast) . More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
bool | is_removable (Dart_const_handle dh) |
Returns true iff the i-cell containing dh can be removed. More... | |
template<unsigned int i> | |
size_type | remove_cell (Dart_handle dh) |
Removes the i-cell containing dh . More... | |
using GenericMap::Attribute_const_handle = unspecified_type |
is a const handle to i-attributes.
For each Attribute_const_handle<i>::type ah
, the type of *ah
must be const Attribute_type<i>::type
and i-attributes are non void. using GenericMap::Attribute_const_range = unspecified_type |
is the const range of all the i-attributes.
is a model of ConstRange
concept, its iterator type is bidirectional and its value type is Attribute_type<i>::type
and i-attributes are non void. using GenericMap::Attribute_handle = unspecified_type |
is a handle to i-attributes.
For each Attribute_handle<i>::type ah
, the type of *ah
must be Attribute_type<i>::type
and i-attributes are non void. using GenericMap::Attribute_range = unspecified_type |
is the range of all the i-attributes.
is a model of Range
concept, its iterator type is bidirectional and its value type is Attribute_type<i>::type
and i-attributes are non void. using GenericMap::Attribute_type = unspecified_type |
is the type of i-attributes, a model of CellAttribute
is equal to Dart_handle
, and Attribute_type<i>::type::Dart_const_handle
is equal to Dart_const_handle
and i-attributes are non void
. The tuple of cell attributes.
It contains at most dimension
types (one for each possible cell of the generic map). Each type of the tuple must be either a model of the CellAttribute
concept or void
. The first type corresponds to 0-attributes, the second to 1-attributes and so on. If the i th type in the tuple is void
, (i-1)-attributes are disabled. Otherwise, (i-1)-attributes are enabled and have the given type. If the size of the tuple is k, with k < dimension
, \forall i: k \leq i \leq dimension
, i-attributes are disabled.
Dart const handle type.
For each Dart_const_handle dh
, the type of *dh
must be const Dart
Const range of all the darts of the generic map.
This type is a model of ConstRange
concept, its iterator type is bidirectional and its value type is Dart
Dart handle type.
For each Dart_handle dh
, the type of *dh
must be Dart
using GenericMap::Dart_of_cell_const_range = unspecified_type |
Const range of all the darts of the i-cell.
Cells are considered in dim dimension, with 0 \leq i \leq dim+1 and 0 \leq dim \leq dimension
. If i==dim+1, range of all the darts of a connected component. This type is a model of ConstRange
concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart
using GenericMap::Dart_of_cell_range = unspecified_type |
using GenericMap::Dart_of_orbit_const_range = unspecified_type |
Const range of all the darts of the <I...>
This type is a model of ConstRange
concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart
using GenericMap::Dart_of_orbit_range = unspecified_type |
using GenericMap::One_dart_per_cell_const_range = unspecified_type |
Const range of one dart of each i-cell of the generic map.
Cells are considered in dim dimension, with 0 \leq i \leq dim+1 and 0 \leq dim \leq dimension
. If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. This type is a model of ConstRange
concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart
using GenericMap::One_dart_per_cell_range = unspecified_type |
Range of one dart of each i-cell of the generic map.
Cells are considered in dim dimension, with 0 \leq i \leq dim+1 and 0 \leq dim \leq dimension
. If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. This type is a model of Range
concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart
using GenericMap::One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range = unspecified_type |
Const range of one dart of each i-cell incident to one j-cell.
Cells are considered in dim dimension, with 0 \leq i \leq dim+1, 0 \leq j \leq dim+1 and 0 \leq dim \leq dimension
. If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. If j==dim+1, consider one connected component instead of one j-cell. This type is a model of ConstRange
concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart
using GenericMap::One_dart_per_incident_cell_range = unspecified_type |
Range of one dart of each i-cell incident to one j-cell.
Cells are considered in dim dimension, with 0 \leq i \leq dim+1, 0 \leq j \leq dim+1 and 0 \leq dim \leq dimension
. If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. If j==dim+1, consider one connected component instead of one j-cell. This type is a model of Range
concept, its iterator type is forward and its value type is Dart
GenericMap::GenericMap | ( | const Map & | bmap | ) |
Construct a new generic map from another one.
The new generic map is created by copying the darts and the non void attributes of bmap. Map must be a model of GenericMap
concept, which can be defined with a different dimension and/or different attributes than *this
. In this case, only dimensions that are common to bmap
and *this
, and only non void i-attributes of bmap
whose info type is the same to the info of non void i-attributes of *this
, are copied.
bool GenericMap::are_attributes_automatically_managed | ( | ) | const |
Returns the status of the management of the attributes of the generic map.
if the high level operations update the non void attributes (default value); false
Attribute_handle<i>::type GenericMap::attribute | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Returns a handle to the i-attribute associated to dart *dh
, and i-attributes are non void
. Attribute_const_handle<i>::type GenericMap::attribute | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Returns a const handle to the i-attribute associated to dart *dh
, when the dart is const.
, and i-attributes are non void
. Attribute_range<i>::type& GenericMap::attributes | ( | ) |
Returns a range of all the i-attributes in the generic map.
, and i-attributes are non void. Attribute_const_range<i>::type& GenericMap::attributes | ( | ) | const |
Returns a const range of all the i-attributes in the generic map.
, and i-attributes are non void. void GenericMap::correct_invalid_attributes | ( | ) |
Correct the invalid attributes of the generic map.
We can have invalid attribute either if we have called set_automatic_attributes_management(false)
before to use some modification operations or if we have modified the generic map by using low level operations.
\forall i , 0 \leq i \leq dimension
such that the i-attributes are non void, \forall d \in darts()
in the same i-cell than d
with a different i-attribute, then the i-attribute of d2
is set to the i-attribute of d
in a different i-cell than d
with the same i-attribute, then the i-attribute of all the darts in i-cell(d
) is set to a new i-attribute (copy of the original attribute);dart_of_attribute(d)
\in i-cell(d
). Attribute_handle<i>::type GenericMap::create_attribute | ( | T1 | t1 | ) |
Creates a new i-attribute in the generic map, and returns the corresponding handle.
Calls the constructor of i-attribute having T1
as parameter. Overloads of this member function are defined that take from zero to nine arguments. With zero argument, create_attribute<i>()
creates a new i-attribute by using the default constructor.
, and i-attributes are non void. Dart_handle GenericMap::create_dart | ( | T1 | t1 | ) |
Creates a new dart in the generic map, and returns the corresponding handle.
Calls the constructor of dart having T1
as parameter. A new dart is initialized to be i-free, \forall i: 0 \leq i \leq dimension
, and to have no associated attribute for each non void attribute. Overloads of this member function are defined that take from zero to nine arguments. With zero argument, create_dart()
creates a new dart by using the default constructor.
Dart_handle& GenericMap::dart | ( | Dart_handle | adart | ) |
A shorcut for dart_of_attribute<i>
. Dart_const_handle GenericMap::dart | ( | Dart_const_handle | adart | ) | const |
A shorcut for dart_of_attribute<i>
for const handle.
. Dart_handle GenericMap::dart_handle | ( | Dart & | d | ) |
Returns the dart handle of d
\in darts()
. Dart_const_handle GenericMap::dart_handle | ( | const Dart & | d | ) | const |
Returns the dart const handle of d
\in darts()
. Dart_handle GenericMap::dart_of_attribute | ( | typename Attribute_handle< i >::type | ah | ) |
Returns one dart of the cell associated to the i-attribute *ah
if Supports_cell_dart
of i-attributes is equal to Tag_false
, i-attributes are non void
and ah
!=nullptr. Dart_const_handle GenericMap::dart_of_attribute | ( | typename Attribute_const_handle< i >::type | ah | ) | const |
Returns one dart of the cell associated to the const i-attribute *ah
if Supports_cell_dart
of i-attributes is equal to Tag_false
, i-attributes are non void
and ah
!=nullptr. Dart_of_cell_range GenericMap::darts_of_cell | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Returns a range of all the darts of the i-cell containing *dh
The first element in the range points onto *dh
. i-cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, range of all the darts of the connected component containing dh
Dart_of_cell_const_range GenericMap::darts_of_cell | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Returns a const range of all the darts of the i-cell containing *dh
The first element in the range points onto *dh
. i-cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, const range of all the darts of the connected component containing *dh
Dart_of_orbit_range GenericMap::darts_of_orbit | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Dart_of_orbit_const_range GenericMap::darts_of_orbit | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Returns a const range of all the darts of the orbit <I...>(*dh)
The first element in the range points onto *dh
std::ostream& GenericMap::display_characteristics | ( | std::ostream & | os | ) | const |
Displays on os
the number of elements of the generic map.
Its number of darts, its number of i-cells, for each i, 0 \leq i \leq dimension
, and its number of connected components.
Example of output for a 3D combinatorial map containing two disjoint combinatorial tetrahedra:
#Darts=24, #0-cells=8, #1-cells=12, #2-cells=8, #3-cells=2, #ccs=2
void GenericMap::erase_attribute | ( | Attribute_handle< i >::type | ah | ) |
Removes the i-attribute *ah
from the generic map.
, i-attributes are non void, and *ah
\in attributes<i>()
. void GenericMap::erase_dart | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Removes *dh
from the generic map.
\in darts()
. void GenericMap::free_mark | ( | size_type | m | ) | const |
Frees mark m
. size_type GenericMap::get_new_mark | ( | ) | const |
Reserves a new mark.
Returns its index. If there is no more available free mark, throw the exception Exception_no_more_available_mark.
int GenericMap::highest_nonfree_dimension | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Returns the highest dimension i such that dart *dh
is not i-free.
-1 if dh
is free for any dimension.
Dart_info& GenericMap::info | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Returns the information associated to dart *dh
is not void
. const Dart_info& GenericMap::info | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Returns the information associated to dart *dh
, when the dart is const.
is not void
. Attribute_type<i>::type::Info& GenericMap::info | ( | Dart_handle | adart | ) |
A shorcut for info_of_attribute<i>
. const Attribute_type<i>::type::Info& GenericMap::info | ( | Dart_const_handle | adart | ) | const |
A shorcut for info_of_attribute<i>
for const handle.
. Attribute_type<i>::type::Info& GenericMap::info_of_attribute | ( | typename Attribute_handle< i >::type | ah | ) |
const Attribute_type<i>::type::Info& GenericMap::info_of_attribute | ( | typename Attribute_const_handle< i >::type | ah | ) | const |
Dart_handle GenericMap::insert_cell_0_in_cell_1 | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Inserts a 0-cell in the 1-cell containing dh
Returns next(dh)
, a handle on one dart belonging to the new 0-cell.
See examples for combinatorial map in Figure 28.11 and for generalized map in Figure 29.13.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, if 1-attributes are non void
, Attribute_type<1>::type::On_split
(a,a') is called, with a the original 1-attribute associated with dh and a' the new 1-attribute created during the operation. If set, the dynamic onsplit function of 1-attributes is also called on a and a'.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, non void attributes are not updated; thus the generic map can be no more valid after this operation.
Dart_handle GenericMap::insert_cell_0_in_cell_2 | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Inserts a 0-cell in the 2-cell containing dh
The 2-cell is split in triangles, one for each initial edge of the facet. Returns a handle on one dart belonging to the new 0-cell.
See examples for combinatorial map in Figure 28.12 and for generalized map in Figure 29.14.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, if 2-attributes are non void
, Attribute_type<2>::type::On_split
(a,a') is called, with a the original 2-attribute associated with dh
and a' each new 2-attribute created during the operation. If set, the dynamic onsplit function of 2-attributes is also called on a and a'.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, non void attributes are not updated; thus the generic map can be no more valid after this operation.
Dart_handle GenericMap::insert_cell_1_in_cell_2 | ( | Dart_handle | dh1, |
Dart_handle | dh2 | ||
) |
Inserts a 1-cell in the 2-cell containing dh1
and dh2
Returns previous(dh1)
, a handle on one dart belonging to the new 1-cell.
.See examples for combinatorial map in Figure 28.13 and for generalized map in Figure 29.15.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, if 2-attributes are non void
, Attribute_type<2>::type::On_split
(a,a') is called, with a the original 2-attribute associated with dh
and a' the new 2-attribute created during the operation. If set, the dynamic onsplit function of 2-attributes is also called on a and a'.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, non void attributes are not updated; thus the generic map can be no more valid after this operation.
Dart_handle GenericMap::insert_cell_2_in_cell_3 | ( | InputIterator | afirst, |
InputIterator | alast | ||
) |
Inserts a 2-cell along the path of 1-cells containing darts given by the range [afirst,alast)
Returns opposite<2>(*afirst)
, a handle on one dart belonging to the new 2-cell.
.See examples for combinatorial map in Figure 28.14 and for generalized map in Figure 29.16.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, if 3-attributes are non void
, Attribute_type<3>::type::On_split
(a,a') is called, with a the original 3-attribute associated with dh
and a' the new 3-attribute created during the operation. If set, the dynamic onsplit function of 3-attributes is also called on a and a'.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, non void attributes are not updated; thus the generic map can be no more valid after this operation.
Dart_handle GenericMap::insert_dangling_cell_1_in_cell_2 | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Inserts a 1-cell in a the 2-cell containing dh
, the 1-cell being attached only by one of its extremity to the 0-cell containing dh
Returns previous(dh)
, a handle on the dart belonging to the new 1-cell and to the new 0-cell.
See examples for combinatorial map in Figure 28.13 and for generalized map in Figure 29.15.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, non void attributes are not updated; thus the generic map can be no more valid after this operation.
bool GenericMap::is_attribute_used | ( | typename Attribute_const_handle< i >::type | ah | ) | const |
Returns true if ah points to a used i-attribute (i.e. valid).
, and i-attributes are non void
. bool GenericMap::is_free | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh, |
unsigned int | i | ||
) | const |
Returns true iff dart *dh
is i-free.
. bool GenericMap::is_free | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Returns true iff dart *dh
is i-free.
. bool GenericMap::is_insertable_cell_1_in_cell_2 | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh1, |
Dart_const_handle | dh2 | ||
) |
Returns true iff it is possible to insert a 1-cell in the generic map between dh1
and dh2
This is possible if dh1
\neq dh2
and dh1
can be reached from dh2
by using some previous
and next
bool GenericMap::is_insertable_cell_2_in_cell_3 | ( | InputIterator | afirst, |
InputIterator | alast | ||
) |
Returns true iff it is possible to insert a 2-cell in the generic map along the path of darts given by the range [afirst,alast)
The 2-cell can be inserted iff the ordered list of darts form a closed path of edges inside a same volume.
\geq 3.bool GenericMap::is_marked | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh, |
size_type | m | ||
) | const |
Returns true iff *dh
is marked for m
and *dh
\in darts()
. bool GenericMap::is_removable | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) |
bool GenericMap::is_reserved | ( | size_type | m | ) | const |
Returns true iff m
is a reserved mark of the generic map.
. bool GenericMap::is_without_boundary | ( | unsigned int | i | ) | const |
Returns true iff the generic map is without i-boundary.
The map is without i-boundary if there is no i
-free dart.
. Dart_handle GenericMap::make_combinatorial_hexahedron | ( | ) |
Creates a combinatorial hexahedron (six combinatorial quadrangles 2-sewn together), and adds it in the generic map.
Returns a handle on one dart of this combinatorial hexahedron.
\geq 2.Dart_handle GenericMap::make_combinatorial_polygon | ( | unsigned int | lg | ) |
Creates a combinatorial polygon of length lg
(a cycle of lg
darts 1-sewn together), and adds it in the generic map.
Returns a handle on one dart of this combinatorial polygon.
\geq 1 and lg
> 0.Dart_handle GenericMap::make_combinatorial_tetrahedron | ( | ) |
Creates a combinatorial tetrahedron (four combinatorial triangles 2-sewn together), and adds it in the generic map.
Returns a handle on one dart of this combinatorial tetrahedron.
\geq 2.Dart_handle GenericMap::make_edge | ( | ) |
Creates an isolated edge (two darts sewn to represent one edge and two vertices) and adds it in the generic map.
Returns a handle on one dart of this edge.
\geq 2.void GenericMap::mark | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh, |
size_type | m | ||
) | const |
Marks *dh
for m
and *dh
\in darts()
. void GenericMap::negate_mark | ( | size_type | m | ) | const |
Inverse the mark m
for all the darts of the generic map.
All the marked darts become unmarked and all the unmarked darts become marked.
. size_type GenericMap::number_of_attributes | ( | ) | const |
Returns the number of i-attributes in the generic map.
, and i-attributes are non void. Returns the number of marked darts for m
. Return the number of unmarked darts for m
. One_dart_per_cell_range GenericMap::one_dart_per_cell | ( | ) |
Returns a range of one dart of each i-cell in the generic map.
Cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, range of one dart of each connected component in the generic map.
. One_dart_per_cell_const_range GenericMap::one_dart_per_cell | ( | ) | const |
Returns a const range of one dart of each i-cell in the generic map.
Cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, const range of one dart of each connected component in the generic map.
One_dart_per_incident_cell_range GenericMap::one_dart_per_incident_cell | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Returns a range of one dart of each i-cell incident to the j-cell containing *dh
The first element in the range points onto *dh
. Cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. If j==dim+1, consider the connected component containing *dh
instead of the j-cell.
One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range GenericMap::one_dart_per_incident_cell | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Returns a const range of one dart of each i-cell incident to the j-cell containing *dh
The first element in the range points onto *dh
. Cells are considered in dim dimension. If i==dim+1, consider each connected component instead of each i-cell. If j==dim+1, consider the connected component containing *dh
instead of the j-cell.
boost::function<void(typename Attribute_type< i >::type&, typename Attribute_type< i >::type&)>& GenericMap::onmerge_function | ( | ) |
Return the current dynamic onmerge function associated with i-attributes.
This is a boost:function returning void and having two references to Attribute_type<i>::type
as parameters. The onmerge function is returned by reference so that we can modify it.
const boost::function<void(typename Attribute_type< i >::type&, typename Attribute_type< i >::type&)>& GenericMap::onmerge_function | ( | ) | const |
Return the current dynamic onmerge function associated with i-attributes, when *this is const.
This is a boost:function returning void and having two references to Attribute_type<i>::type
as parameters.
boost::function<void(typename Attribute_type< i >::type&, typename Attribute_type< i >::type&)>& GenericMap::onsplit_function | ( | ) |
Return the current dynamic onsplit function associated with i-attributes.
This is a boost:function returning void and having two references to Attribute_type<i>::type
as parameters. The onsplit function is returned by reference so that we can modify it.
const boost::function<void(typename Attribute_type< i >::type&, typename Attribute_type< i >::type&)>& GenericMap::onsplit_function | ( | ) | const |
Return the current dynamic onsplit function associated with i-attributes, when *this is const.
This is a boost:function returning void and having two references to Attribute_type<i>::type
as parameters.
GenericMap& GenericMap::operator= | ( | const GenericMap & | bmap | ) |
Assignment operator.
All darts and attributes are duplicated, and the former generic map is deleted.
Dart_handle GenericMap::opposite | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Dart_const_handle GenericMap::opposite | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Dart_handle GenericMap::other_extremity | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Returns a handle to a dart belonging to the other vertex of the edge containing dart *dh
(but not necessarily to the same edge).
if such a dart does not exist.
Dart_const_handle GenericMap::other_extremity | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh | ) | const |
Returns a const handle to a dart belonging to the other vertex of the edge containing dart *dh
, when the dart is const (but not necessarily to the same edge).
if such a dart does not exist.
size_type GenericMap::remove_cell | ( | Dart_handle | dh | ) |
Removes the i-cell containing dh
Returns the number of darts removed from the generic map.
.See examples in Figure 28.11, Figure 28.13 and Figure 28.14.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, if i
< dimension
, and i+1-attributes are non void
, and if there are two distinct (i+1)-cells around dart dh
, Attribute_type<i+1>::type::On_merge
(a1,a2) is called, with a1 the (i+1)-attribute associated to dh
, and a2 the (i+1)-attribute associated to \beta_{i+1}(dh). If set, the dynamic onmerge function of i+1-attributes is also called on a1 and a2.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, if a j-cell is disconnected in two j-cells during the operation, and if j-attributes are non void, Attribute_type<j>::type::On_split
(a,a') is called with a the original j-attribute and a' the new j-attribute created due to the disconnection. If set, the dynamic onsplit function of j-attributes is also called on a and a'.
If are_attributes_automatically_managed()
, non void attributes are not updated; thus the generic map can be no more valid after this operation.
void GenericMap::set_attribute | ( | Dart_handle | dh, |
Attribute_handle< i >::type | ah | ||
) |
Associates the i-attribute of all the darts of the i-cell containing *dh
to *ah
\in darts()
, 0 \leq i \leq dimension
, i-attributes are non void, and *ah
\in attributes<i>()
. void GenericMap::set_automatic_attributes_management | ( | bool | update_attributes | ) |
Set the status of the managment of the attributes of the generic map.
After calling set_automatic_attributes_management(false)
, all high level operations will not update non void attributes, until the call of set_automatic_attributes_management(true)
. The call of set_automatic_attributes_management(true)
call the correct_invalid_attributes()
void GenericMap::swap | ( | GenericMap & | bmap | ) |
Swap the current generic map with bmap
There is no copy of darts and attributes thus this method runs in constant time.
void GenericMap::unmark | ( | Dart_const_handle | dh, |
size_type | m | ||
) | const |
Unmarks *dh
for the mark m
and *dh
\in darts()
. void GenericMap::unmark_all | ( | size_type | m | ) | const |
Unmarks all the darts of the generic map for m