CGAL 5.3 - Polygon Mesh Processing
▼NCGAL | |
▼NPolygon_mesh_processing | |
▼NCorefinement | |
CDefault_visitor | Default new-face visitor model of PMPCorefinementVisitor |
▼NTriangulate_faces | |
CDefault_visitor | Default new face visitor model of PMPTriangulateFaceVisitor |
CPolygon_mesh_slicer | Function object that computes the intersection of a plane with a triangulated surface mesh |
CPolyhedral_envelope | This class can be used to check if a query point, segment, or triangle is inside or outside a polyhedral envelope of a set of triangles, constructed for a given \epsilon distance tolerance |
CRigid_triangle_mesh_collision_detection | This class provides methods to perform some intersection tests between triangle meshes that undergo affine transformations (rotation, translation, and scaling) |
CSide_of_triangle_mesh | This class provides an efficient point location functionality with respect to a domain bounded by one or several disjoint closed triangle meshes |
CPMPCorefinementVisitor | The concept PMPCorefinementVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in corefinement-related functions to track the creation of new faces and new edges |
CPMPDistanceTraits | The concept PMPDistanceTraits is a refinement of the concepts AABBGeomTraits and SpatialSortingTraits_3 . In addition to the types required by those concepts, it also requires types and functors needed by the functions approximate_max_distance_to_point_set() , sample_triangle_mesh() , approximate_Hausdorff_distance() and max_distance_to_triangle_mesh() |
CPMPSelfIntersectionTraits | Geometric traits concept for the functions CGAL::self_intersections() and CGAL::does_self_intersect() |
CPMPTriangulateFaceVisitor | The concept PMPTriangulateFaceVisitor defines the requirements for the visitor used in triangulation-related functions to track the creation of new faces |