CGAL 5.4.1 - Weights
Three Point Family Weight

#include <CGAL/Weights/three_point_family_weights.h>

This weight is computed as \(w = \frac{d_2^a A_1 - d^a B + d_1^a A_2}{A_1 A_2}\) with notations shown in the figure below and \(a\) any real number being the power parameter.

Here, q is a query point and the points p0, p1, and p2 are its neighbors.

This weight supports only planar configurations (see more in section about Coplanarity) while alternative formulations are explained in Implementation.

Figure 104.1 Notation used for the three point family weight.


Template Parameters
GeomTraitsa model of AnalyticWeightTraits_2 for 2D points; a model of AnalyticWeightTraits_3 for 3D points
A1 != 0 && A2 != 0


template<typename GeomTraits >
GeomTraits::FT CGAL::Weights::three_point_family_weight (const typename GeomTraits::Point_2 &p0, const typename GeomTraits::Point_2 &p1, const typename GeomTraits::Point_2 &p2, const typename GeomTraits::Point_2 &q, const typename GeomTraits::FT a, const GeomTraits &traits)
 computes the three-point family weight in 2D at q using the points p0, p1, and p2 and the power parameter a, given a traits class traits with geometric objects, predicates, and constructions.
template<typename K >
K::FT CGAL::Weights::three_point_family_weight (const CGAL::Point_2< K > &p0, const CGAL::Point_2< K > &p1, const CGAL::Point_2< K > &p2, const CGAL::Point_2< K > &q, const typename K::FT a=typename K::FT(1))
 computes the three-point family weight in 2D at q using the points p0, p1, and p2 which are parameterized by a Kernel K, and the power parameter a which can be omitted.